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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1863., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for 1891 AD or search for 1891 AD in all documents.

Your search returned 228 results in 199 document sections:

Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Delaware, (search)
6 to 1837 Cornelius P. Comegys.1837 to 1840 William B. Cooper.1840 to 1844 Thomas Stockton.1844 to 1846 Joseph Maul.1846 William Temple 1846 William Thorp .1847 to 1851 William H. Ross.1851 to 1855 Peter F. Cansey .1855 to 1859 William Burton .1859 to 1863 William Cannon 1863 to 1867 Grove Saulsbury..1867to 1871 James Ponder .1871 to 1875 John P. Cochran.1875 to 1879 John W. Hall.1879 to 1883 Charles C. Stockley .1883 to 1887 Benjamin T. Biggs..1887 to 1891 Robert J. Reynolds.1891 to 1895 Joshua H. Marvil.1895 William T. Watson .1895 to 1897 Ebe W. Tunnell.1897 to 1901 John Hunn.1901 to—— United States Senators. NameNo. of CongressDate. Richard Bassett1st and 2d1789 to 1793 George Read1st to 2d1789 to 1793 Henry Latimer.3d to 6th1793 to 1801 John Vining.3d to 5th1793 to1798 Joshua Clayton5th1798 William Hill Wells 5th to 8th1799 to 1805 Samuel White.7th to 11th1801 to 1809 James A. Bayard8th to 12th1805 to 1813 Outerbridge Horsey1lth to 16th1810 to 18
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Douglass, Frederick, 1817- (search)
he spoke at an anti-slaver convention at Nantucket, and soon after wards was made the agent of the Massachusetts Anti-slavery Society. He lectured extensively in New England, and, going to Great Britain, spoke in nearly all the large towns in that country on the subject of slavery. On his return, in 1847, he began the publication, at Rochester, N. Y., of the North Star (afterwards Frederick Douglass's paper). In 1870 he Frederick Douglass. became editor of the National era at Washington City; in 1871 was appointed assistant secretary of the commission to Santo Domingo; then became one of the Territorial Council of the District of Columbia; in 1876-81 was United States marshal for the District; in 1881-86 was n recorder of deeds there; and in 1889-91 was United States minister to Haiti. He we was author of Narrative of my experiences in slavery (1844); My bondage and my. Freedom (1855); and Life and times of Frederick Douglass (1881). He died near Washington, D. C., Feb. 20, 1895.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Draper, Lyman Copeland, 1815-1891 (search)
Draper, Lyman Copeland, 1815-1891 Historian; born in Evans, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1815. In 1833 he gathered information regarding the Creek chief Weatherford, and from that time onward he was an indefatigable student, devoting his life to the collection of materials bearing upon the history of the Western States and biographies of the leading men of the country. In 1853 he was appointed secretary of the Wisconsin State Historical Society and was connected with the library of the society, with a few short intervals, till his death. He published the Collections of the State Historical Society (10 volumes) ; The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, etc. He died in Madison, Wis., Aug. 26, 1891.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Eaton, John, 1829- (search)
Volunteer Infantry. In November of the same year he was made superintendent of freedmen, and later was given supervision of all military posts from Cairo to Natchez and Fort Smith. In October, 1863, he became colonel of the 63d United States Colored Infantry, and in March, 1865, was brevetted brigadier-general. He was editor of the Memphis Post in 1866-67, and State superintendent of public instruction in Tennessee in 1867-69. From 1871 to 1886 he was commissioner of the United States Bureau of Education, and then became president of Marietta College, O., where he remained until 1891; was president of the Sheldon Jackson College of Salt Lake City in 1895-98, when he was appointed inspector of public education in Porto Rico. He is author of History of Thetford Academy; Mormons of today; The Freedman in the War (report) ; Schools of Tennessee; reports of the United States Bureau of Education, with circulars and bulletins for sixteen years, addresses, and numerous magazine articles.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Edmunds, George Franklin, 1828- (search)
and active part in Vermont politics, serving several terms in both houses of the legislature; was speaker of the House of Representatives and president pro tem. of the Senate. In 1866 he entered the United States Senate as a Republican, and till 1891 was one of the foremost men in Congress. Towards the close of his senatorial career he was the author of the acts of 1882 and 1887 for the suppression of polygamy and the regulation of affairs in Utah, and of the anti-trust law (1890). In 1886 he he was the author of the acts of 1882 and 1887 for the suppression of polygamy and the regulation of affairs in Utah, and of the anti-trust law (1890). In 1886 he framed the act for counting the electoral vote. He resigned his seat in 1891 at the conclusion of twenty-five years of uninterrupted service. In 1897 he was chosen chairman of the monetary commission George Franklin Edmunds. appointed by the Indianapolis monetary conference, which reported to Congress a scheme of currency reform.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Electricity in the nineteenth century. (search)
s of track in and around Boston, began to equip its lines in 1888 with the Thomson-Houston plant. The success of this great undertaking left no doubt of the future of electric traction. The difficulties which had seriously threatened future success were gradually removed. The electric railway progress was so great in the United States that about Jan. 1, 1891, there were more than 240 lines in operation. About 30,000 horses and mules were replaced by electric power in the single year of 1891. In 1892 the Thomson-Houston interests and those of the Edison General Electric Company were merged in the General Electric Company, an event of unusual importance, as it brought together the two great competitors in electric traction at that date. Other electric manufacturers, chief among which was the Westinghouse Company, also entered the field and became prominent factors in railway extension. In a few years horse traction in the United States on tramway lines virtually disappeared. W
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Elkins, Stephen Benton, 1841- (search)
Elkins, Stephen Benton, 1841- Legislator; born in Perry county, Ohio, Sept. 26, 1841; graduated at the Missouri University in 1860; admitted to the bar in 1863; captain in the 77th Missouri Regiment 1862-63; removed to New Mexico in 1864, where he engaged in mining; elected member of the Territorial legislature in 1864; became attorney-general of the Territory in 1868; United States district attorney in 1870; representative in Congress in 1873-77; Secretary of War in 1891-93; and elected United States Senator from West Virginia in 1895.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), English, Thomas Dunn, 1819- (search)
English, Thomas Dunn, 1819- Author; born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 29, 1819; graduated in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in 1839; member of the New Jersey legislature in 1863-64; and of Congress in 1891-95; is the author of American ballads; Book of battle lyrics; Poems; Ben bolt, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Epworth League, (search)
cago, Ill.; Department of Mercy and Help, Rev. W. H. Jordan, Id.)., Sioux Falls, S. D.; Department of Literary Work, Rev. R. J. Cook, D. D., Chattanooga, Tenn.; Department of Social Work, F. W. Tunnell, Philadelphia, Pa.; general secretary, Rev. Joseph F. Berry, D. D., 57 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill., general treasurer, R. S. Copeland, M. D., Ann Arbor, Mich. The central office is located at 57 Washington Street, Chicago, 11. There is also an Epworth League in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; founded in Memphis, Tenn., in 1891. It has 5,838 chapters, with a total membership of 306,580. The central office is located at Nashville, Tenn. The officers are: President, Bishop W. A. Condler, Atlanta, Ga. first vice-president, Rev. J. W. Newman, D. D., Birmingham, Ala.; second vice-president, Rev. W. T. McClure, Marshall, Mo.; third vice-president, Rev. J. M. Barcus, Cleburne, Tex.; treasurer, Mr. O. W. Patton, Nashville, Tenn.; secretary, Mr. G. W. Thomasson, Nashville, Tenn.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Evangelical Alliance, the, (search)
estant world. It has no central authority and appears in active operation only from time to time, as it meets in general conference. The character of these conferences are purely religious, lasting from ten to twelve days. The time is spent in prayer and praise, in discussions of the great religious questions of the day, and in brotherly communion. Nine international meetings have thus far been held. The first occurred in London, 1851; the second in Paris, 1855; the third in Berlin, 1857; the fourth in Geneva, 1861; the fifth in Amsterdam, 1867; the sixth in New York, 1873; the seventh in Basel, Switzerland, 1879; the eighth in Denmark, 1884; and the ninth in Italy, 1891. The United States branch held a national conference in Chicago, 1893, in connection with the Columbian World's Exposition. The week of prayer, beginning with the first Sunday in each year, and now generally observed throughout Protestant Christendom, is one of the most important results obtained by the Alliance.