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Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 2 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 51-61 1 1 Browse Search
Pindar, Odes (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien) 1 1 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, Against Theocrines, section 30 (search)
most easily explained on the assumption that the mother was herself a daughter of Aeschylus, and therefore the e)pi/klhros, or heiress. In that case her husband, as her ku/rios, would control the property.) The jury found against the father of Epichares, and he was fined ten talents. regarding whom the decree was drawn—the decree, that is, in which my father moved that maintenance in the PrytaneumThis building was situated in or near the agora on the north-west slope of the Acropolis; see Vanderpool in Hesperia 4. (1935), p. 471, note 4. In it were maintained as guests of the state Olympic victors and any who had rendered extraordinary benefactions to the state. should be granted to Charidemus, son of Ischo
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 55 (search)
ution of ostracism was incorporated in one of the laws of Cleisthenes, and was passed in 507 B.C. but first used, according to Aristotle (Aristot. Ath. Pol. 22), twenty years later, "when the people had gained self-confidence." Professor T. Leslie Shear has kindly allowed me to see an as yet unpublished paper of his, "Ostracism and the Ostraka from the Agora," which he prepared in 1941. Whereas Carcopino for the second edition of his L'Ostracisme athénien (1935) had 62 examples of the ballots used in Athenian ostracophoria (the balloting), the collection from the Agora now totals 503, and in 1937 a well on the North Slope yielded an additional 191 pieces. There are names of persons who were never ostracized and of many persons who are otherwise unknown. The accuracy of Aristotle's statement that the institution was first used in 487 B.C. is borne out against Walker's theory (Camb. Anc. Hist. 4, p. 152) that there
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XVI, Chapter 69 (search)
fore invaded Illyria with a large force, devasted the countryside, captured many towns, and returned to Macedonia laden with booty.This campaign may be the one referred to below, chap. 93.6. The narrative of Philip's activities is continued from chap. 60. Then he marched into Thessaly, and by expelling tyrants from the cities won over the Thessalians through gratitude. With them as his allies, he expected that the Greeks too would easily be won over also to his favour; and that is just what happened. The neighbouring Greeks straightway associated themselves with the decision of the Thessalians and became his enthusiastic allies.This operation continued earlier movements of Philip in Thessaly (chaps. 35.1; 38.1; 52.9). For Philip's relations with the tyrants of Pherae cp. H. D. Westlake, Thessaly in the Fourth Century B.C. (1935), 191-193; Marta Sordi, La Lega Tessala fino al Alessandro Magno (1958), 275-293.
Pindar, Pythian (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Pythian 1 For Hieron of Aetna Chariot Race 470 B. C. (search)
hey have seen their arrogance bring lamentation to their ships off Cumae. Such were their sufferings, when they were conquered by the leader of the Syracusans—a fate which flung their young men from their swift ships into the sea,delivering Hellas from grievous bondage. From Salamis I will win as my reward the gratitude of the Athenians, and in Sparta from the battles before CithaeronReading with Snell ta=n . . maka=n for ta\n . . ma/kan; read either a)/ra (Wilamowitz) or a)po\ (Stone, CR 49, 1935, 124) for e)re/w. Cf. R. W. B. Burton, Pindar's Pythian Odes, Oxford 1962, 106f.—those battles in which the Medes with their curved bows suffered sorely; but beside the well-watered bank of the river Himeras I shall win my reward by paying my tribute of song to the sons of Deinomenes,the song which they earned by their excellence, when their enemies were suffering. If you speak in due proportion, twisting the strands of many themes into a brief compass, less blame follows from men. For wearyi