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Your search returned 66 results in 58 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: February 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], First Shipment of gas to London . (search)
First Shipment of gas to London.
--We saw yesterday at the passenger station of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Eleventh and Market, a number of wrought iron cylindrical vessels, which we were informed contained compressed gas. Upon further inquiry we learned that the contractor, who had fitted up the cars on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad for burning gas, had also taken a contract for fitting out a number of cars to be used on the street railways in London.
These had been sent to the railroad work-shops in Altoona, to be filled with gas by means of the company's apparatus there; so that before long we may expect to hear of American street railway-ears in London lighted with gas made at the foot of the Alleghany mountains.--Phila, Gazette, Feb. 5.
The Daily Dispatch: February 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], The National crisis. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: February 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Russian Prince Sentenced to Siberia . (search)
Another Abolition meeting broken up. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 5.
--The State Anti-Slavery Convention was held at Association Hall yesterday.
The attendance was very good.
The Mayor was present at the Convention this evening, with a considerable police force.
Lucretia Mott made a speech reviewing the anti-slavery movement, past and present, which was listened to with occasional interruptions of hissing.
Gerritt Smith also spoke, and was followed by Mrs. Stanton, who attempted a portrait of the Northern disunionists — that is, the Garrisonians — whom she painted as very pure and worthy people, engaged in a holy crusade against a monstrous and gigantic iniquity.
During her remarks many of those present hissed and stamped till the place became a perfect bedlam, and the meeting was finally broken up before she had concluded her remarks.
The Mayor was compelled to address the disturbers, who finally disperse
Barbados, Jan. 26.
--In port, schr. Frances Hatch, Norfolk, discharging.
Baltimore, Feb. 13.--Cl'd, schr. Mary Willis, Richmond.
Norfolk, Feb. 12.--Arrived, schr. Joshua Bates, Norfolk.
Cleared, schr. Young Sultan, do.
Havana, Jan. 28.--Arrived, ship Halvetia, Norfolk.
Feb. 5--Arrived, schr. Relief, do.
Matanzas, Jan. 27.--Arrived, bark Ospray, Norfolk.
Boston, Feb. 10.--Arrived, schr. Herald, Norfolk.
Disaster.--A schr.
of about 150 tons, with two topmasts, sunk last Thursday night, during the N. W. gale, in the Vineyard Sound, about two miles south of Quick's Hole.
About eight feet of her lower masts are out of water.
It is supposed that the ice made so fast on the vessel that she foundered, carrying down all on board.
Small pieces of a boat and cabin work have washed ashore on the north side of the Vineyard.
The wreck is supposed to be that of schr. R. R. Freeman, (of Wellfleet,) Smith, from Tangier, Va., with oysters for Boston.
The R. R.
The Daily Dispatch: March 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], Affairs at the Southern Capital . (search)
England and France on the Southern Question.
The leading journals of England and France are beginning to indicate unmistakably that their respective countries have not the most remote idea of dispensing with Southern cotton.
The London Herald of the 5th of February, anticipating the official news which we have just received from Washington, says:
"The United States so long as they cohered, felt strong enough to stand aloof from the public law of Europe; but the secession movement, besides opening up a door for the treaty of Paris being revised, and made, without exception, the law of nations, is likely to raise questions of international right, in which we shall have the deepest interest.
The United States Government was originally founded upon certain delegated powers by a community of sovereign States, who have still exercised their independent sovereignty, and it is held by the seconding States that the delegated powers may now be withdrawn.
If we must assent to this
Further by the Bohemian.
The mails by the Bohemian from Liverpool on the 6th, via Londonderry, contains some further items of foreign news:
The London Chronicle says that Parliament will meet on the 5th of February.
A deputation, which includes two members of Parliament, has been appointed to convey an invitation to Garibaldi to visit England.
The Empress Eugenia paid a brief visit to Queen Victoria, at Windsor Castle, on the 4th.
The visit only lasted two hours.
The London Times publishes full details of the expedition of the Bulldog and Fox for ascertaining the feasibility of the projected North Atlantic Telegraph.
The results are pronounced highly satisfactory and encouraging.
The London Times has another editorial on the political split in the United States, and expresses the hope that the quarrel may give way to a calm, in which the real difficulties of the slavery question may be met and quietly answered.
A banquet was given on the 3d inst.,
Congressional. Washington, Feb, 5.
--Senate.--A joint resolution was passed for a meeting of the two Houses to count the Presidential ballot.
The usual number of peace memorials was presented.
Mr. Johnson, of Tennessee, addressed the Senate on the President's message.
He opposed secession.
He indicated the sympathy exhibited yesterday at the withdrawal of the Louisiana Senators.
He said it was well gotten up, and well acted.
He was exceedingly bitter against the seceding States, South Carolina in particular, and attacked Senator Benjamin's position with great vehemence.
House.--The certificate of the election of Farnsworth, delegate from the Territory of Colorado, was presented and referred.
Mr. Taylor, of La., presented the Ordinance of Secession of his State, which was read.
In his remarks he intimated that amendments to the Constitution would have the effect of restoring her to the Union, but that the resolutions of the Committee of Thirty-Three w
From Washington. Washington, Feb. 5.
--A Naval Court of Enquiry, consisting of Captains Storer, Lavalette and Powell meets here Friday, to investigate the conduct of Capt. Armstrong, and the facts connected with the surrender of the Pensacola Navy-Yard.
The Convention is in session, with closed doors.
It is understood Ex-President Tyler was reported for President, and a Committee of Credentials appointed.
It is believed among the leading subjects for the action of the Border State Convention will be the removal of powder to various points by the Government, and other acts calculated to inflame the public mind.
A committee of mercantile men, from New York, is here.
It opposes Morrill's tariff bill, on account of its proposition to modify the warehousing system.
The Tellers to count the Presidential vote are Trumbull, of the Senate, Washburne (of Ill.) and Phelps, of the House.
Several Alabama postmasters have declined td., render their accounts, say