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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BASILICA AEMILIA BASILICA PAULI (search)
lt in the name of the Aemilius who then represented the family (probably the same man who carried out the restoration of 22 A.D.), but really by Augustus and the friends of Paullus (Cass. Dio liv. 24). Still later, in 22 A.D., M. Aemilius Lepidus, s22 A.D., M. Aemilius Lepidus, son of the restorer of 34 B.C., asked the senate for permission to carry out another restoration at his own expense, according to Tacitus (Ann. iii. 72), who calls the building basilica Pauli Aemilia monumenta. Pliny (NH xxxvi. 102), reckons it, th1), but it is clear that little change was made in the extent and plan of the basilica in the rebuildings of 14 B.C. and 22 A.D. It consisted of a main hall, divided into a nave and two aisles by two orders of columns of africano mmall chambers (tabernae), which, like it, were built of opus quadratum of tufa even in the reconstruction of 14 B.C. (or 22 A.D.). In three of them (one in the centre and one near each end) were doors into the nave: the entire difference in plan fro
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CARCER (search)
authorities state) and the regularity of the blocks, uniformly 56 cm. high: while the date of the drain leading into the forum appears to be debateable. The upper room is a vaulted trapezoid, the sides varying in length from 5 to 3.60 metres. This Frank assigns to about 100 B.C. on similar grounds; and the vault of the lower chamber, as we have seen, to a slightly later date. A new facade of travertine was added by C. Vibius Rufinus and M. Cocceius Nerva, consules suffecti, perhaps in 22 A.D. (CILvi. 1539=31674; cf. 9005; Pros. i. p. 428, No. 972; iii. p. 424, No. 395), but, it may be, a good deal later (Mommsen, Westdeutsch. Zeitschr., Korrespondenz- blatt, 1888, 58, puts it a little before 45 A.D. ; cf. ILS iii. p. 342). It was still used as a prison in 368 A.D. (Amm. Marc. xxviii. 1, 57), so that the tradition that it was converted into an oratory in the fourth century is without foundation; and the fons S. Petri, ubi est carcer eius of Eins. (7. 2), cannot have been h
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, FORTUNA EQUESTRIS, AEDES (search)
FORTUNA EQUESTRIS, AEDES a temple of Fortuna in her relation to the equites, vowed in 180 B.C. by Q. Fulvius Flaccus during his campaign in Spain (Liv. xl. 40, 44), and dedicated in 173 (ib. xlii. 10), on 13th August (Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 106). For the decoration of this temple Fulvius took some of the marble tiles from the temple of Juno Lacinia near Croton, but was ordered by the senate to restore them (Liv. xlii. 3; Val. Max. I. I. 20). It is referred to under the date of 92 B.C. (Obseq. 53), and possibly of 158 (ib. 16), but it must have been destroyed before 22 A.D. when there was no temple of Fortuna equestris in Rome (Tac. Ann. iii. 71 ; cf. BPW 1903, 1648, for arguments to the contrary). This temple was near the theatre of Pompey (Vitr. iii. 3. 2) and is cited by Vitruvius as an example of a systylos, in which the intercolumnar space is equal to twice the diameter of the columns (HJ 487-488; Becker, Top. 618-619; Rosch. i. 1521 ; RE vii. 33-34; AR 1909, 76).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PIETAS AUGUSTA, ARA (search)
PIETAS AUGUSTA, ARA an altar voted by the senate in 22 A.D. on the occasion of the severe illness of Livia, but not dedicated until 43 (Tac. Ann. iii. 64; CIL vi. 562; ILS i. 202). Nothing further is known of it (WR 332; Rosch. iii. 2503), though it has been conjectured that the five Valle-Medici reliefs formerly thought to have come from the ara Pacis may possibly belong to it (Studniczka, Zur Ara Pacis 10;=Abh. d. sachs. Gesellsch. 1909, 908. OJ 1907, 190; SScR 101, n. 4).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
199. 14-16Schola Xanthi, 468. 15Cura riparum Tiberis instituted after inundation, 537. 16Arch of Tiberius in Forum, 45. 17Temple of Fors Fortuna dedicated, 213. of Flora dedicated, 209. of Ceres, Liber and Libera dedicated, 110. of Janus in Forum Holitorium dedicated, 277. of Spes dedicated by Germanicus, 493. 19Arch of Germanicus (?), 40. Arches of Drusus and Germanicus in Forum of Augustus, 39, 220. 21Theatre of Pompey burnt and restored, 516. 22-23Castra Praetoria built, 106. 22Basilica Aernilia again restored, 73. Ara Pietatis Augustae vowed, 390. (?) Facade of Career, 100. 23(after). Arch dedicated to Drusus the Younger, 39. 27Tiberius restores Caelian after fire, 62, 89. 28Senate dedicates altar to the Amicitia of Tiberius, 5. Altar to the Clementia of Tiberius, 121. 34Part of Cloaca Maxima rebuilt, 127. 36Part of Circus Maximus burnt and repaired, 116. 36-37Cippi of Aqua Virgo, 29. 37-41Reign of Caligula: he builds Temple of Isis (?), 284; b
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Agrippa, D. Hate'rius called by Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 2.51) the propinquus of Germanicus, was tribune of the plebs A. D. 15, praetor A. D. 17, and consul A. D. 22. His moral character was very low, and he is spoken of in A. D. 32, as plotting the destruction of many illustrious men. (Tac. Ann. 1.77, 2.51, 3.49, 52, 6.4.)
C. Bi'bulus an aedile mentioned by Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 3.52) in the reign of Tiberius, A. D. 22, appears to be the same as the L. Publicius Bibulus, a plebeian aedile, to whom the senate granted a burial-place both for himself and his posterity. (Orelli, Inscr. n. 4698.)
Blaesus a Roman jurist, not earlier than Trebatius Testa, the friend of Cicero: for Blaesus is cited by Labeo in the Digest (33. tit. 2. s. 31) as reporting the opinion of Trebatius. Various conjectures have been made without much plausibility for the purpose of identifying the jurist with other persons of the same name. Junius Blaesus, proconsul of Africa in A. D. 22, was probably somewhat later than the jurist. (Majansius, vol. ii. p. 162; G. Grotii, Vita Ictorum, 9.18.) [J.T.G]
who is said to have believed his assassin to have been his own son; but this cannot have been, for Caesar was only fifteen years older than the younger Brutus. Scandal went so far as to assert, that Tertia, like her mother, was one of Caesar's mistresses; and Suetonius (Suet. Jul. 30) has preserved a double entendre of Cicero in allusion to Servilia's supposed connivance at her daughter's shame. This anecdote refers to a time subsequent to the death of the elder Brutus. The death of Tertia, A. D. 22, when she must have been very old, is recorded by Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 3.76), who states that the images of twenty of the noblest families graced her funeral; " sed praefulgebant Cassius atque Brutus, eo ipso, quod effigies eorum non visebantur." The knowledge of these family connexions gives additional interest to the history of the times. Though the reputed dishonour of his wife did not prevent the father from actively espousing the political party to which Caesar belonged, yet it is poss
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
with the jurisdiction of the senate, and deprecated the impunity of such an atrocious delinquent as L. Ennius. " Let the emperor," said he, " be as slow as he likes in avenging his merely private griefs, but let his generosity have some limits--let it stop short of giving away the wrongs of the state." The men understood each other. The mock magnanimity of the emperor was proof against the mock remonstrance of the lawyer. (Tac. Ann. 3.70.) Shortly after this disgraceful scene Capito died, A. D. 22. Fragments It is remarkable that, notwithstanding the great legal reputation of Capito, not a single pure extract from any of his works occurs in the Digest, though there are a few quotations from him at second hand. His works may have perished before the time of Justinian, though some of them must have existed in the fifth century, as they are cited by Macrobius. It may be that he treated but little of private law, and that his public law soon became superannuated. Capito is quoted in