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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 9, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for August, 5 AD or search for August, 5 AD in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: may 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Great excitement (search)
Hdq'rs Virginia Forces, Richmond, Va., may 8th.
General Orders No. 12.
Col. John B. Magruder, of the Provisional Army of Virginia, is assigned to the command of the Virginia Forces in and about this city.
He will execute the duties assigned to his predecessor by General Orders No. 3, current series.
Col. Magruder will select from his command a suitable officer to perform the duties of Assistant Adjutant General. By order of Major General Lee. my 9--3t R. S. Garnett, Adl't Gen'l.
The Daily Dispatch: may 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Good for them. (search)
Alexandria and Washington Affairs.
Alexandria,May 8.--The city is all quiet Rumors of the occupation by Lincoln's troops are not credited.
Twenty-three steamers, in the United States employ, are now in the Eastern Branch of the Potomac.
Vessels, loaded with troops, ammunition, and provisions, are continually passing this city for Washington.
In Washington, to day, Col. Ellsworth's "Pet Lambs," 1,100 strong, were sworn in at the War Department.
Travel between New York and Washington is now uninterrupted — passengers going by Perryville.
To-day was the day for the Federal troops to pass through Baltimore.
It is not known whether they did or not.