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Action of the Maryland Legislature--Lincoln's troops marching through Baltimore. Alexandria, May 10.
--In the Maryland Legislature, on Thursday.
Mr. Wallace submitted a report from the Committee on Federal Relations.
It declares that the war waged by the United States upon the people of the Confederate States is unconstitutional, repugnant to civilization and sound policy, and subversive of our free institutions.
A protest is entered against the war on the part of Maryland; she declares that she will take no part, directly or indirectly, in its prosecution, and the assertion is made that Maryland desires a peaceful and immediate recognition of the independence of the seceded States.
The present military occupation of the State of Maryland is protested against as unconstitutional, oppressive and illegal; and the final resolution asserts that, under existing circumstances, it is inexpedient to call a sovereign Convention at this time, or to take measures for the immediate
The Daily Dispatch: may 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Blockading service. (search)
An available position occupied. Alexandria, May 10.
--The heights of Maryland, opposite Harper's Ferry, were taken possession of by the Virginia forces yesterday.
There is no news of interest from Washington.
The Richmond Light Infantry Blues, O. J. Wise commanding, who are now at Camp Mercer, near Fredericksburg, Va., celebrated their 68th anniversary on Friday, the 10th of May, at Poplar Spring, a pleasant suburban retreat near their quarters.
Nothing short of actual battle will ever prevent the "Old Blues" from paying suitable honor to the 10th of May.
The Richmond Light Infantry Blues, O. J. Wise commanding, who are now at Camp Mercer, near Fredericksburg, Va., celebrated their 68th anniversary on Friday, the 10th of May, at Poplar Spring, a pleasant suburban retreat near their quarters.
Nothing short of actual battle will ever prevent the "Old Blues" from paying suitable honor to the 10th of May.
Highly important from St. Louis. St. Louis, May 10.
--General Frest's brigade of Missouri militia, encamped at Camp Jackson, on the Western outskirts of the city, surrendered unconditionally this afternoon, on the demand of Captain Lyon, commander of the United States forces in this city.
Captain Lyon marched on Camp Jackson with some thousand volunteers, surrounded it, and planted eight field pieces on the adjoining eminences.
The following letter was sent from Captain Lyon ernment, which they disclaimed.
There were only about 800 men in the camp, a large number being in the city on leave of absence.
These troops laid down their arms, and were escorted to the city as prisoners of war.
Later. St. Louis, May 10.
--Midnight.--Just before the troops started for the city, and while the State troops were drawn up between two lines of United States Volunteers, several "rocks" were thrown at the volunteers, and a few pistol shots fired by excited partie
Prehibition of Southern trade at St. Louit. St. Louis, May 10.
--All shipments south from this point have been suspended in consequence of orders received by the collector from Washington.
A thousand muskets and several cannon from Baton Rouge have been seized here.
Sentiments of European Powers.
The Washington correspondent (May 10,) of the New York Express says: (The italics are those of the Express.)
The statesmen of the South, who are embarked in the secession cause, regard it as morally impossible that France, England, and the other great Powers of Europe, with the exception of Sardinia, should not sympathize with their present movement to break up the American Republic.
To the monarchies of Europe our Government has been for eighty years a continual reproach and a cause of fear for the perpetuity of their own dynasties.
Destroy it, and you give them a new lease of power — an unlimited lease in fact, to be terminated only by their own folly.
The overthrow of the United States Government, or the dismemberment of the Union.
would "block the game for half a century against the European Cobdens, Brights, Louis Blancs, Kossuths, Mazzinis, &c., &c. Monarchy and absolutism would breathe freer everywhere, and the incapacity of men to
The Daily Dispatch: May 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], English Opinions on the Fort Sumter affair. (search)
[Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.]Sixty-eighth anniversary of the L. I. Blues — the Celebration away from Home. Camp Mercer,Near Fredericksburg, May 13.
Last Friday, the 10th of May, was the 68th anniversary of the "Old Richmond Light Infantry Blues," a day hallowed by many pleasant associations of the past, and one which is always bailed with especial delight by the gallant boys composing this fine corps.--Despite the war, and "hard times," preparations had been made for spending the day at "Poplar Spring," a beautiful place about half a mile from the camp.
But, as usual, the weather was unpropitious, and they had to remove "bag and baggage" to the Citizens' Hall, where a hasty, but sumptuous dinner was prepared, and punch, lemonade, and wit flowed freely for three or four hours. At half past 2 P. M., the line was formed, under command of Capt. O. Jennings Wise, attended by ex Captain Wm. L. Maule, Acting Adjutant for this command, and Lieuts. Carter, and Bigger.
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.Patrick county up and doing. Patrick Co., Va., May 13, 1861,
In your issue of May 10th you put Patrick down as one of the "delinquent" counties, and as I do not wish my old county misrepresented, I ask that this be published in order to show the public that Patrick is not a delinquent.
About a month ago a volunteer company was formed at our Court-House, and A. M. Lybrock, Esq., elected Captain.
Last week another company was formed near the same place, and Major J. T. Lawson elected Captain.
A short time since Wm. A. Burwell, Esq., was sent to Richmond to procure the necessary arms, &c., for them, but much to their disappointment returned without the arms; and it will be a source of regret if both companies fall to secure the most approved rifles, as the greater part of them are most excellent shots.
Our County Court has appropriated $4,000 for equipping them, while our of time have cheerfully seconded their efforts to pr
The Daily Dispatch: June 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], Sharp Answers. (search)
Important debate in the English Honer of Lords on the Queen's proclamation.
In the House of Lords, on the 10th of May, the Earl of Elleuborough said:--I did wish to give public notice of my intention to put a question to the Lord President with respect to the Interpretation to be put on some expressions in her Majesty's Proclamation; Relative to the conduct of her Majesty's subjects in respect to the war in America.
As this House did not sit yesterday, however, I had not the opportunity of doing so; but I hope the noble Earl will be prepared at once to give the explanations I desire.
It seems to me to be a matter of essential importance that a proclamation instructing her Majesty's subjects as to the conduct they should pursue in that unhappy war, should be clear of all doubt, and to the last degree intelligible to every individual — that a man should not be obliged to go to his lawyer for an opinion as to the meaning of the expressions used; and, further, that if he should go