Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for October, 5 AD or search for October, 5 AD in all documents.

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that sheer destination led him to take his own life. On Thursday Comptroller Hawes paid off the first city war loan of $1,000,000 which was treated under the title of the "Union Defence Fund Bonds." Payment was made by a reissue, bearing six per cent., and payable Nov. 1, 1864. Most of the reissue was taken by the first holders, and there were more par bids for it than could be accommodated. Madame Geffrard, the wife of the President of , with her daughter, will visit New York in May 10 a Haytlen man-of-war, on their way to Paris, where Madame Geffrard has two daughters at school. There was a regular panic to-day in the market for "mosquito nets," the Government having come into market and swept it about bore. Prices have gone up 100 per cent. in consequence. The Rev. Nathan Bangs, D. D., one of the fathers of American Methodism, died, at his residence, in this city, his morning. He was 84 years old, and has been a minister upwards of sixty years. The steam
The Seventeenth Virginia regiment. Richmond, Va., May 10. To the Editors of the Dispatch: Many instances of bravery and during have been developed during the present war, and many pass have been busy in chronicling the noble deeds of our brave soldiers. Much still remains unwritten, and when impartial history shall record the events of the present struggle for independence, the part acted by the gallant 17th. Virginia regiment will occupy a conspicuous place. Composed chiefly of companies from the downtrodden city of Alexandria, at the beginning of the war they left home and friends in the hands of the enemy, and with minority and cheerfulness took their position with the army at Manassas.--They participated in all the events of that memorable campaign. Cut off from all communication with their families and friends, they could not avail themselves of the privileges enjoyed by others. When sick or wounded, the "loved ones at home." could not administer to their want