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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 31, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January, 6 AD or search for January, 6 AD in all documents.
Your search returned 3 results in 2 document sections:
The New postage law.
--On and after the first day of June next, all letters will cease to be forwarded from this office outside of the Confederate States; and until a postal treaty shall be made with the United States Government for the exchange of mails.
All postage stamps and stamped envelopes of any denomination of the United States will on that day cease to be of value, and will not be recognized as payment for postage.
The following will be the rates of postage, to take effect ice outside of the Confederate States; and until a postal treaty shall be made with the United States Government for the exchange of mails.
All postage stamps and stamped envelopes of any denomination of the United States will on that day cease to be of value, and will not be recognized as payment for postage.
The following will be the rates of postage, to take effect on the first of June: For any distance under 500 miles, per half ounce, 5 cts.; over 500 miles, per half ounce, 10 cents.
American Medical Association. Chicago, May 27.
--The annual meeting of the American Medical Association, which was to have been held in this city on the 1st Tuesday in June, has been postponed for one year, by order of the Committee of Arrangements.