Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January, 6 AD or search for January, 6 AD in all documents.

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The Latest News.the Fairfax fight.Yankee surprise — an early brush — death of Captain Marr--the enemy Routed — prisoners taken, &c.[special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Fairfax C. H., June 1. At an early hour this morning our village was thrown into great excitement by the arrival of Federal troops, the firing of guns, and the yells of the enemy. Being an invalid, and consequently not an eye witness to the scene, I can only give you such facts as were repeated to me by others. Unexpectedly a company of regular Cavalry, well armed and mounted, and headed by a traitor, dashed through the principal streets, yelling like madmen, and firing their pistols right and left as they sped along. Captain Marr, of the Warrenton Rifles, whose company was stationed in a meadow in rear of the town, on hearing the firing, ran out to ascertain the cause, when he was shot down and killed. This fact threw the Rifles into temporary confusion, the first Lieutenant being absent; in <
From Washington.barbarous designs of the U. S. Leaders — troops pouring in — Manassas Junction to be attacked by 40,000 men — plan for assassinating President Davis--strict watch of the U. S. Officers, and Laxity on the part of the Confederate authorities.[special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Washington, D. C., June 1. Dear Dispatch: At the risk of the halter, if I am discovered, and with the hope of opening the eyes of our people to the hellish plots soon to be attempted against them, I write this hurried scrap. Scarcely a train reaches here that is not filled with Hessians for the subjugation of the South; and no sooner is one regiment landed here than another is pushed off to Alexandria, to make up the great invading column soon to move against Manassas Junction and Harper's Ferry, the great key to the Southern heart. I am informed by a distinguished Black Republican Senator that the grand attack is to be made by forty thousand picked men, and the Lincolnites, l<