Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 3, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January, 6 AD or search for January, 6 AD in all documents.

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hich caused the regiment to get much scattered, but the men fought on with great bravery, displaying many personal acts of daring courage. A full report will be made as soon as the casualties are known, W. P. Gill, Acting Adj't 28d N. C. Regiment. P. S--Captain Geo. T. Baskerville, company I, a brave and competent officer, is now in command of the regiment. W. P. G. List of killed, wounded and missing of the 28th Virginia regiment, (Col. R. C. Allen,) in the fight of Sunday, June 1. Major N C Wilson, slightly wounded in the face. Ser't-Maj J Harvey Phelps, arm shattered above and below elbow. Company a--Lieutenant Fink commanding: none. Company B--Lieut McCartey commanding: Corp'l Wm S Houston and Jacob V Reynolds, Privates Henry Eanes, Nath R Thomas, Philip Sarvor, a J Minnick, and G H C Suodgrass, killed. Privates G W Harizell, severely wounded in head; Wm H Jones, slightly in head; Jas S McClanahan, arm broke; a G Caldwell, slightly in shoulder;
$200 reward. --Ranaway on the morning of the 1st day of June, this present month, a negro man named William, belonging to Mrs. Robert C. Stanard, of Richmond. He is black, low and spare; is about 48 years of age, and bad received, two days before he left, a slight injury in one of his eyes which was much inflames at the time. It is believed that he is still in Richmond, or its vicinity, and that he will endeavor to get into the enemy's lines. The above reward will be paid for his capture and return to his mistress, or if he is lodged in jail, so that she can get him, on application at the office of the Richmond Dispatch. je 2 --1w*