Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 8, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for April, 6 AD or search for April, 6 AD in all documents.

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Interesting from Washington. --The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun writes (June 4th ) as follows: Workmen are engaged to-day repairing the railroad track running from the depot along First street and Maryland avenue. Just how far it is to be extended, or in what direction, is not known; but it is clear that much expense of transport may be saved by running freight cars as far as possible, in order to diminish the expense of hauling by wagons and of so much loading and unloading of articles destined for the use of troops. Thus the repairing of the Orange and Alexandria railroad as the column progresses towards Manassas Junction, &c., will serve in the place of the thousands of wagons and tens of thousands of horses and mules, which would be necessary to the movement of a column in a country destitute of railroad facilities. The accession of Col. Meigs to the control of the Quartermaster's department of the army will surely be marked by the introduction of wh
New York Markets, June 4. --Cotton is dull. Flour is heavy; sales of 18,000 barrels: State $4 $5 @$4 95; Ohio $5 30@$5 50; Southern $5 c@ 25 Wheat is heavy; sales of 186,000 bushels at a decline of 1@2 cents for common: Chicago Spring 97@$1 10; Milwaukee Club $1 @ $1 15; white Western $1 35 @$1 65; Kentucky $1 70 @ $1 80. Corn is steady; sales of 149,000 bushels; in erior new mixed 40@43 cents, good to prime 44@46 cents Pork is heavy; Prime $12.25 Lard is steady at 9@91 cts. Whiskey is steady at 16½ cents bugar is dull; Porto Rico 5½@5½ cts.; Muscovado 4½½@4½ cts. Spirits Turpentine dull at 70@70½ cts. Rosin is steady Rice is steady.--Freights are