Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for April, 6 AD or search for April, 6 AD in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: June 20, 1862., [Electronic resource], List of Deaths at Seabrook's Hispital to June 20th, 1862. (search)
h, Co. C. 6th Ala; -- Smith, 4th Va; P O'Brien, 12th Miss; R N Hurt, 28th Va; J Chilton, D W Chilton, 26th Va; D Walkerton; O R Carkle; Capt J H Barlow 12th Miss. June 3.-- Jas P Miser, 28th P Cumer, Co. G, 6th Ala; J M White, Co. D. 24th Va; J A Kirkland, Co. I. 11th Ala; W P Kimbrew, Co. L, 6th Ala; L G Morris, Co. H, 4th N C; A Baden, Co. A, 6th Ga; T T Atwood, Co. E, 12th Miss; D F Jenkins, Co A, 12th Ala; H H Cotter, Co. B, 17th Va; R B Hart, 9th Va; Capt O A Lee, Co. I, 27th Ga. June 5.-- W M Powers, Co. A, 6th Alabama; H Brooks, Co I. 1st Va; R W Allen, 41st Va. June 6.-- G B Battle, Co. F, 4th N C; T R Prince, Co. B, 2d Miss; John Ryan, 2d Miss; R Barrow, Co. D, 22d N C; R E Estes, Co. F, 7th Va; S J Gary, Co. H. 18th S C; Wm Hay, Co. A. 38th Va; B T Beckham, Co. E, 12th Miss. June 7.-- J L Carey, Co. G, 12th Miss; T L Mays, Co. F, 5th Ala. June 8.--Geo B Stone, Co. D, 6th Ala; Wm M Cannon, Co. B. 12th Miss; A Martin, Co. D, 6th N C; T B Baker, Co. F, 6th Ala; f
e has a right to charge the Canadians with neglecting the duty of providing for the defence of the country simply because they had differed upon and rejected the militia bill. The Paris Constitutionnel, of June 7, publishes an article on American affairs, signed "Lanayene," showing the impossibility of the South being conquered, and maintaining that mediation alone will succeed in ending a war disastrous alike to the interest of humanity and Europe. Dispatches from London, of the 4th of June, say: The next advices from America are awaited with the greatest anxiety, owing to the probable news of an important battle being fought at Richmond or Corinth, or at both places. The London Times' City Article says the belief in the possibility of an early settlement of the American difficulties has been greatly diminished by the last intelligence received. The seizure of the steamer Labuan having been declared illegal by the Prize Court, gives great satisfaction. New York C