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A few days' sojourn with the Army of the Peterman.[by our Correspondent.] Headquarters, The suddenness with which a people can change their national character was perhaps never more strikingly illustrated than in our own times, and amongst our own citizens.--Although accustomed to the use, we have not hitherto found it necessary to cultivate the profession of arms, and therefore have had no military organization, such as the great Powers of Europe find it necessary to sustain. Notwithstanding this deficiency, no sooner are our rights, liberties, and even territory threatened by Northern despotism than we show to the world that, without being soldiers, we can, in an emergency, become such. So sudden a transformation is, to my mind, one of the most remarkable events in modern history, and doubtless will not be passed over by the future chronicler of this unfortunate internecine war that now wages between the Northern and Southern sections of the American States. Althoug
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch., the Affair at Mathias' Point — rapid retreat of the enemy — their loss, &c. Urbana, Middlesex County, July 1, On yesterday I saw and conversed with Captain Lewis, of the Lancaster Cavalry, who at the recent engagement at Math Point. From him I learn that the No account of the affair was almost entirety false. It seems that the Pawnee, * under cover of her guns, landed some fifty or sixty men, with instructions to destroy the embankment which was being thrown up by the Confederate troops. After landing some above the encampment, they captured two horses of the Westmoreland Cavalry. This was owing to the fact that the riders, who had been detailed on picket duty, had fallen a sleep. The horses were immediately transferred to the Jas. Grey, which attended the Pawnee, and, not with standing it has been repeated from Washington that the said horses are safe in the Navy-Yard, it is but partially true. One of them, alarmed by the h
Interesting from Europe. New York, July 1. --Late advices from Europe state that the steamships Etua and Evadne had sailed for America. The French Division, under Admiral Reynaud, was about to sail for America. The New Orleans correspondent of the London Times (Mr. Russell) says that it is impossible to resist the conviction that the Southern Confederacy can only be conquered means as irresistible as those which sub Poland. influential meeting had been held at Lord Breur, is a paragraph which insinuates that the Southern American States will succeed in establishing a separate Republic. The Neapolitan towns of San Mario and Vegriano having revolted, were taken by storm and burned. Latest. New York, July 1. --The latest commercial, financial and political intelligence from Europe was brought by the steamship Etna. The sales of cotton at Liverpool on Thursday, June 19th, were 8,000 bales, of which exporters and speculators took 2,000 bale
From Missouri. St. Louis, July 1. --Nine of the Missourians who were recently engaged in blowing up bridges with powder, have been arrested at Chillicothe and placed in jail. The Pioneer Overland Express Line commences operations to-day. The California telegraph line is progressing, and the emigration to the Pacific region is heavy. At the last advices, Gov. Jackson was at Stockton with 2,000 troops. [Second Dispatch] Memphis, July 1. --An Express has just arrivJuly 1. --An Express has just arrived at Little Rock from Fort Smith, bringing news that Missouri is being overrun with Federal troops. Illinois Lincolnites possess the towns on each side of the Missouri river. Lane and Montgomery are marching for the Indian country. Springfield is filled with Federal troops, who intend to invade Arkansas through Fayetteville. Ben McCulloch has issued a call for the Arkansians to rendezvous promptly at Fayetteville, to drive back the invaders, and sustain the Missourians.
Outrageous proceedings of the Federalists in Baltimore — arrest of the Board of Police. Baltimore, July 1. --Since 2 o'clock this morning, startling proceedings have occurred. Detachments of artillery and infantry have been posted on Monument Square and the Exchange Place, and in the Eighth Ward on Broadway, and at other points. Before day-light, all the members of the Board of Police, except the Mayor, were arrested. It is said that these proceedings were instituted by Gen. Banks, in consequence, as he regarded, of the discovery of a plot against Federal supremacy in Baltimore.
From Fortress Monroe--arrest of a Virginian. Fortress, Monroe, July 1. --Two regiments will advance to New Market bridge to-morrow. It is raining incessantly. Col. Carey Jones, of Hampton, has been arrested in consequence of several letters found on board the prize British schooner Tropic Wind, which implicates several prominent persons. [This is the schooner which the British Consul at Richmond, in a card on yesterday morning, stated had "been released and given back tbeen arrested in consequence of several letters found on board the prize British schooner Tropic Wind, which implicates several prominent persons. [This is the schooner which the British Consul at Richmond, in a card on yesterday morning, stated had "been released and given back to the charge of the master."] Fortress Monroe, July 1.--It is well known here that an attack on Newport News was only prevented on last Friday night by the incessant rains which prevailed during that night.
Washington Army News. Washington, July 1. --John C. Fremont has been commissioned as a regular Major General, ranking next to Gen. McClellan. An order has been given to supply the whole force on both sides of the Potomac with extractions for six days. Gen. Patterson's delay in advancing keeps everything waiting. It is understood that the Government has decided to take him out of the way, and it is believed that a general advance will occur about the 4th of July.
From Washington. Washington, July 1. --(via New Orleans, July 2)--Captain Craven now commands the Potomac Flotilla, vice Captain Ward. The Freeborn has been so badly crippled that she will probably be condemned. Fourteen of the scouts of the Confederate forces attacked the Federal pickets at Shuter's Hill, and killed one and wounded one of the Federal forces. Skirmishing continues at Grafton, but the details are suppressed.
From New Orleans. New Orleans, July 1 --The enemy has seized the telegraph instruments at Pass a L'Outre. The Federal blockade steamer Brooklyn left the bar yesterday morning, and the Confederate war steamer Sumter went to sea. The operator at the Southwest Pass saved the instruments, though they had a guard over him for about twenty-eight hours. The telegraph office at the head of the Capes is hourly expected to be attacked.
Several points of News. Washington, July 1. --The Confederate steamer George Page is cruising in the vicinity of Aquia Creek. Colonel Stone is to occupy the Maryland Heights commanding Harper's Ferry. Wm. Brent, of South Carolina, and Henry Scott, of Maryland, have been arrested as alleged spies.