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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January, 7 AD or search for January, 7 AD in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], Military Works. (search)
--From a statement furnished by the inspectors of tobacco at the different ware-houses in this city, for the nine months ending 30th ult., it appears that the inspections for the month of June, 1860, and 1861, are as follows:
Shockoe Warehouse2,654310
Public Warehouse1,766261
Seabrook's Warehouse939126
Dibrall's Warehouse8869
Mayo's Warehouse525293
The total inspections in this city for the last nine months is 20,436, against 27,602 hhds. for the same period of the previous year.
The stock on hand 1st of July in this city is near 8,000 hhds.
The recent advance in the price of good shipping and fine manufacturing tobacco will doubtless cause the planters to send it forward more freely.
The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], Military Works. (search)
Correspondence of the Richmond DispatchMathias' Point — engagement There — the enemy routed--nine Yankees certainly killed, &c. Port Conway, Va., July 1.
Our hitherto quiet little county, which has almost grown proverbial for the peaceable and law-abiding character of its citizens, and so free from public commotions of any sort that it has been regarded by some of our neighboring counties as comparatively insignificant, has suddenly become the theatre of important military operations.
Point Mathias, fifteen miles below and in sight of Aquia Creek, has for some time past been nursed by the enemy with steam-tugs, and occasionally with ships of a larger growth; but no serious attempt was made by the vandals to land and obtain a foothold possession of the Point, until a few days ago. On Thursday last, a company of 75 Yankees landed under the guns of a steamer, and undertook the erection of a battery a few yards from the edge of a high bluff that overlooks the Potomac for ma