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ty. The Administration of the fugitive slave law. Some time since Marshal McDowell (U. S. Marshal for Kansas) addressed a letter to the U. S. Attorney General, stating that he did not deem it his duty to return fugitive slaves to Missouri until she became thoroughly loyal, and asking for advice on the subject. The following reply we find in the Leavenworth Times: Attorney General's Office, July 23 1861 J L. McDowell, U S. Marshal, Kansas:-- Sir --Your letter of the 11th of July, received 19th (under the frank of Senator Lane of Kansas,) asking advice upon the question whether or no you should give your official services in the execution of the fugitive slave law. It is the President's constitutional duty to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." That means all the laws. He has no right to discriminate — no right to execute the laws he likes, and unexecute those he dislikes, and, of course you and I, his subordinates, can have no wider discretion