Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 19, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for November, 7 AD or search for November, 7 AD in all documents.

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on is not yet determined on, but we understand that the most probable site is the ground lately occupied by the camp of the 41st regiment, across the run from Forest street. All the members of the conference returned to their homes this morning. Previous to taking the train, they examined the Soldiers' Aid Hospital, at the depot, and expressed their satisfaction with the arrangements. Letter from Major-General Sanks in answer to a resolution of Inquiry of the House. Washington, July 11. --The following is the letter of Major-General N. P. Banks to Mr. Gooch, of the House of Representatives, relating to the resolution of June 16th, offered by Mr. Voorchees, of Indiana, directing the Committee on the Conduct of the War to inquire whether persons of color were allowed Government transportation in Gen. Banks's retreat from Strasburg, while white people, including sick and wounded soldiers, were compelled to walk; and which letter Mr. Gooch asked the unanimous consent of