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Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 2 2 Browse Search
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the completion of the defences of the capital and for the entire reorganization of the department. Under his direction the entire system of defences was carried into execution. This was completed before the army departed for Fort Monroe, and is a sufficient evidence of the skill of the engineers and the diligent labor of the troops. The engineer Department presented the following organization when the army moved for the Peninsula: Brig.-Gen. J. G. Barnard, chief-engineer; First Lieut. H. C. Abbott, topographical engineers, aide-de-camp. Brigade volunteer engineers, Brig.-Gen. Woodbury commanding: 15th N. Y. Volunteers, Col. McLeod Murphy; 50th N. Y. Volunteers, Col. C. B. Stewart. Battalion, three companies U. S. Engineers, Capt. J. C. Duane commanding; companies respectively commanded by First Lieuts. C. B. Reese, C. E. Cross, and O. E. Babcock, U. S. Engineers. The chief-engineer was ably assisted in his duties by Lieut-Col. B. S. Alexander and First Lieuts. C. R. Comsto
Index. Abbott, Lieut. H. C., 124. Abercrombie, Gen. J. J., in Virginia, 240, 241 ; Fair Oaks, 379. Abert, Capt. W. S., 123. Acquia creek, Va., 106, 493-496, 500, 506, 508, 509, 529-531. Administration, unfitness, 175, 176. Alexander, Col. B. S., 119, 124. Alexandria, Va., 80, 89, 96, 239, 509-527, 536. Allen's Field, Va.--see Savage's Station. Anderson, Gen. J. R., 347, 351, 371, 374. Anderson, Gen., Richard, at Williams burg, 324, 325; South Mountain, 561, 573. Anderson. Lieut.-Col. Robert, 580. Annandale, Va., 515-519. Antietam, Md., battle of, 584-613. Arlington Heights, Va., 67, 68, 73, 80. Army, Confederate, discipline, 72 ; entrenchments, 75 ; advantages, 253 ; at Yorktown, 257, 260, 267, 272, 285-291, 311, 312, 319; Williamsburg, 324-326, 333; West Point 337 ; Hanover C. H., 369-372; Fair Oaks, 378-384 ; in Union rear, 390-393 ; Gaines's Mill, 416-418 ; Savage's Station, 426-428 ; Charles City road, 431, 432: Glendale, 430-433; Malvern Hill, 436, 4