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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 311 5 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 8 100 0 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 94 8 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 74 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition. 68 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 54 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3 44 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 7, 4th edition. 44 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 41 3 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 38 6 Browse Search
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On two points I follow the verbal communications of Madison; and it was not without fruit that I once passed a day with John Adams. With regard to the peace between the United States and England, I think I might say that my materials in their comptry that made the compromise had to defend it in parliament. It appears further that, late as was the participation of John Adams in the negotiation, he came in time to secure to New England its true boundary on the north-east. Adams and Franklin hAdams and Franklin had always asked for the continuance of the accustomed share in the coast fisheries; and they were heartily supported by Jay, who had in congress steadily voted against making the demand. The requirement of the change in the form of Oswald's commisslook away from the strifes of the present hour, to the great days when our country had for its statesmen Washington and John Adams, Jefferson and Hamilton, Franklin and Jay, and their compeers. The study of those times will always teach lessons of m
ons between the three great powers, the United States fell upon a wise measure. Franklin, from the first, had advised his country against wooing Spain: but the confidence reposed in him by the French cabinet was not impaired by his caution; and they transacted all American business with him alone. Tired of the dissensions of rival commissioners, congress, on the fourteenth of September, abolished the joint commission of which he had been a member, and appointed him their minister plenipotentiary at the court of France. It illustrates the patriotism of John Adams, that, though he was one of those to be removed from office, he approved alike the terminating of the commission and the selection of Franklin as sole envoy. In him Chap. VI.} 1778. the interests of the United States obtained a serene and wakeful guardian, who penetrated the wiles of the Spanish government, and knew how to unite fidelity to the French alliance with timely vindication of the rights of his own native land.
o his Catholic majesty, in the hope of a subsidy or a guarantee of a loan to the amount of five millions of dollars. Ibid., II. 263. On the twenty-sixth of September, congress pro- 26. ceeded to ballot for a minister to negotiate peace; John Adams being nominated by Laurens, of South Carolina, while Smith, of Virginia, proposed Jay, who was the candidate favored by the French minister. On two ballots no election was made. A compromise reconciled the rivalry; Jay, on the twenty-seventte favored by the French minister. On two ballots no election was made. A compromise reconciled the rivalry; Jay, on the twenty-seventh, 27. was elected envoy to Spain. The civil letter in which Vergennes bade farewell to John Adams on his retiring from Paris was read in congress in proof that he would be most acceptable to the French ministry; and, directly contrary to its wishes, he was chosen to negotiate the treaty of peace as well as an eventual treaty of commerce with Great Britain.
their selfish executive and the consequent want of unity of action. In April, 1778, the American commissioners at April 28 Paris,—Franklin, Arthur Lee, and John Adams,—in a letter to the grand pensionary, van Bleiswijck, proposed a good understanding and commerce between the two nations, and promised to communicate to the sta 23 Sept., 1778, in Dip. Cor., i. 457. To get rid of everything of which England could Sept. complain, the offer made in April by Franklin, Arthur Lee, and John Adams, to negotiate a treaty of commerce between America and the Netherlands, together with a copy of the commercial treaty between the United States and France, was,nd the Netherlands to unite with her in supporting the rules which she had proclaimed. The voice of the United States on the subject was uttered immediately by John Adams. He applauded the justice, the wisdom, and the humanity of an association of maritime powers against violences at sea, and added as his advice to Congress: The
on of Newburyport, who thought that the liberty which America achieved for itself should prevail without limitation as to color; Parsons, a young lawyer of the greatest promise, from Newburyport; Chap. XVII.} 1779. and Strong of Northampton. John Adams had arrived opportunely from France, to which he did not return till November; and was so far the principal agent in writing out the first draft of the constitution, that it was reputed to be his work. There are no means of distributing its parts to their several authors with certainty. No one was more determined for two branches of the legislature with a veto in the governor than John Adams. To him also more than to any other may be ascribed the complete separation of both branches from appointments to office. The provisions for the total abolition of slavery mark the influence of John Lowell. To Bowdoin was due the form of some of its most admired sections. On the afternoon of the twenty-eighth of October, the committee appo
ts well-grounded displeasure, and soon after, on the advice of Washington, appointed him to the command of the southern army. His successor in the quartermaster's department was Timothy Pickering, who excelled him as a methodical man of business; so that the department suffered nothing by the change. The tendency to leave all power in the hands of the separate states was a natural consequence of their historic development, and was confirmed by pressing necessity. A single assembly, so John Adams long continued to reason, is every way adequate Chap. XIX.} 1780. to the management of all the federal concerns of the people of America; and with very good reason, because congress is not a legislative assembly, nor a representative assembly, but a diplomatic assembly. Conventions of states had been held in 1776, and in every successive year, to consider the decline of the paper currency, and the regulation of prices. One of these attracted the more attention, as it assembled at Phi
ng of Spain, 25 April, 1780. When in February, 1780, John Adams arrived in Paris with full powers to treat with Great Bt of his commission should for the present remain unknown. Adams replied by enumerating the reasons for communicating it to the reduction by congress in the value of its paper money. Adams argued vigorously that the reduction must affect all nationr of congress Franklin lost ground by his compliance, while Adams was supported more heartily than before. In midsummer, fer should give up its connection with insurgent America; John Adams was ready to go to Vienna, but only on condition of beinplained, through the French minister at Philadelphia, of John Adams as an embarrassing negotiator. At first a majority of congress was disposed to insist on Adams as their sole plenipotentiary for peace; Virginia, with Madison for one of her delegalness of his wife. Congress have done very well, wrote John Adams to Franklin, to join Chap. XXI.} 1781. others in the co
lin's reply awakened new hopes in congress. While the conditions of peace were under consideration, America obtained an avowed friend in the Dutch republic. John Adams had waited more than eight months for an audience of reception, unaided even indirectly by the French ambassador at the Hague, because interference would have p anniversary of the battle 19. of Lexington, their High Mightinesses, the statesgeneral, reporting the unanimous decision of the seven provinces, resolved that John Adams should be received. The Dutch republic was the second power in the Chap. XXVI.} 1782. world to recognise the independence of the United States of America, ae often been to that church at Leyden, where the planters of Plymouth worshipped so many years ago, and felt a kind of veneration for the bricks and timbers. John Adams to Samuel Adams, 15 June, 1782. The liberal spirit that was prevailing in the world pleaded for peace. The time had not come, but was coming, when health-g
sired to keep aloof from European affairs, he allowed himself to be introduced by Franklin to Vergennes, who received with pleasure assurances of the good disposition of the British king, reciprocated them on the part of his own sovereign, and invited an offer of its conditions. He wished America and France to treat directly with British plenipotentiaries, each for itself, the two negotiations to move on with equal step, and the two treaties to be simultaneously signed. From Amsterdam, John Adams questioned whether, with Canada and Nova Scotia in the hands of the English, the Americans could ever have a real peace. In a like spirit, Franklin intrusted to Oswald Notes for Conversation, in which the voluntary cession of Canada was suggested as the surety of a durable peace and a sweet reconciliation. At the same time he replied to his old friend Lord Shelburne: I desire no other channel of communication between us than that of Mr. Oswald, which I think your lordship has chosen with
commission was recruited by the arrival of John Adams. He had Chap. XXIX.} 1782. Oct. 20. prevait. The day after Strachey's arrival in Paris, Adams, encountering him and Oswald at the house of Jent of debts. In the evening of the same day, Adams called for the first time on Franklin, who at y commissioners after the war. It is due to John Adams, who had taken the precaution Chap. XXIX.} r a great deal of conversation, agreed to by John Adams as well as his colleagues, upon condition thy wrote to the secretary of state that Jay and Adams would likewise assent to the indemnification ose of America. At the same time, he persuaded Adams and Jay to join with him in letters to Oswald Shelburne could have received the admonition, Adams, Franklin, and Jay met Oswald and Strachey at tzherbert, on the one side, and Jay, Franklin, Adams, and, for the first time, Laurens, on the othethe government at home. We can wait, answered Adams, till a courier goes to London. The reference[2 more...]