Browsing named entities in Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Samuel Adams or search for Samuel Adams in all documents.

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oed through its walls, whose eloquent words have thrilled the hearts of hearers as if a pointed sword were passing them through and through. (Great cheers.) Here, Adams aroused his countrymen in the war of independence, and Webster (cheers) invoked them almost with the dying breath of his body, invoked them with that voice of majethose men who are dear to every lover of liberty, and part and parcel of the memory of every American citizen; and highest among them all I see you have placed Samuel Adams and John Hancock. You have placed them the highest, and properly; for they were two, the only two, excepted from the proclamation of mercy, when Governor Gagerence of the people of Boston. This is one of the instances in which we find tradition so much more reliable than history; for tradition has borne the name of Samuel Adams to the remotest of the colonies, and the new States formed out of what was territory of the old colonies; and there it is a name as sacred among us as it is am