luation in 1860, $347,945; in 1865, $336,476.
The selectmen in 1861 were Elijah F. Porter, William Whittimore, Varnum V. Vaughan; in 1862, Elijah F. Porter, Samuel Adams, Varnum V. Vaughan; in 1863, Elijah F. Porter, Samuel Adams, Sylvanus Sibley; in 1864, Elijah F. Porter, Samuel Adams, Daniel V. Putnam; in 1865, Elijah F. PorSamuel Adams, Sylvanus Sibley; in 1864, Elijah F. Porter, Samuel Adams, Daniel V. Putnam; in 1865, Elijah F. Porter, Daniel V. Putnam, William S. Freeman.
The town-clerk during all these years was Royal Whittaker; the town-treasurer during the same period was Nelson Haskins.
1861. November 5th, Voted, to raise one thousand dollars for aid to the families of soldiers.
1862. April 7th, Voted, to raise fourteen hundred dollars for theSamuel Adams, Daniel V. Putnam; in 1865, Elijah F. Porter, Daniel V. Putnam, William S. Freeman.
The town-clerk during all these years was Royal Whittaker; the town-treasurer during the same period was Nelson Haskins.
1861. November 5th, Voted, to raise one thousand dollars for aid to the families of soldiers.
1862. April 7th, Voted, to raise fourteen hundred dollars for the same purpose.
August 9th, Thirteen hundred dollars were voted to pay a bounty of one hundred dollars to each volunteer enlisting to the credit of the town.
September 2d, Voted, to borrow two thousand dollars for the same purpose.
November 4th, Voted, to raise fifteen hundred dollars for aid to the families of soldiers.