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Browsing named entities in Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall). You can also browse the collection for Samuel Adams or search for Samuel Adams in all documents.
Your search returned 3 results in 2 document sections:
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), To Mrs. S. B. Shaw . (search)
To Mrs. S. B. Shaw. 1880.
I wish you could see Miss Whitney's Sam. Adams.
I never saw an image so full of life; not even the Minute Man at Concord.
An acquaintance sent a very human-looking doll to a little friend, five years old. When a neighbor exclaimed, What a pretty doll!
the child said, You mustn't call it doll, it's a little girl.
She can't walk and talk now, but she will by and by.
When I returned from Miss Whitney's studio, I was asked, How did you like the statue?
I replied, You must not call it a statue, it's a man. It will walk and talk by and by.
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Index. (search)
Abdy, Edward S., Mrs. Child's letters to, VIII.
Adams, John Quincy, indebted to Mr. Child for facts on the Texas question, VIII.; maintains the right to proclaim emancipation in war time, 151.
Adams, Samuel, Miss Whitney's statue of, 257.
Advertisements of fugitive slaves, 128, 129.
Alcott, A. Bronson, and family, 239.
Allen, Mr., of Alabama, testifies to horrors of slavery, 131.
Allyn, Rev. Dr., letter to, 9.
American Anti-Slavery Society, formation of, 's (Rev. John) biography of Theodore Parker.
Weld, Angelina Grimke, memorial of, 258.
Weld, Theodore D., letter to, 258.
Westminster Review, The, 202.
White, Maria, 50.
Whitney, Miss, Anne, letters to, 247, 256; her statue of Samuel Adams, 257.
Whittier, John G., biographical sketch of Mrs. Child, v.-xxv., 97; lines to Mrs. Child, on Ellis Gray Loring, 102; annoyed by curiosity-seekers, 142; letters to, 157, 159, 210, 215, 228, 235, 236; on the death of S. J. May, 212; his t