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Browsing named entities in Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865. You can also browse the collection for Albemarle or search for Albemarle in all documents.

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ommanding Richmond, Va.: Gunboat in Neuse hopelessly aground or useless until river rises. Albemarle still at Plymouth. With its assistance I consider capture of Newbern easy. Without it sacrifdestroy the separate forces of the enemy before they can be concentrated; for that purpose the Albemarle, immediately after having sunken the two or three wooden gunboats aiding in the defence of thelong bridge across the Trent, so as to isolate the troops now stationed on its south side; the Albemarle should then take such a position in the Neuse as to cut off from Newbern the communications ofth side of the Trent from getting into Newbern after the destruction of the long bridge by the Albemarle. 3d. General Hoke will then throw forward a sufficient force from his main body to attack irmer stream will be found the least difficult to take, especially with the co-operation of the Albemarle operating in the Neuse. Circumstances may be such, however, as to render it advisable to at