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but bounded off from her ribs of steel. The impact of the blow, however, stove through her two feet of wooden blocking, and produced inside all the evidences of the missile's having come through. The splinters flew promiscuously in all directions in the neighborhood inside. The ram was armed with two 7 and one 8 inch rifled guns of the Brooke pattern, fore and aft, and with four of the same 6-inch guns in her broadsides. The attack by Lieutenant W. B. Cushing upon the Confederate ram Albemarle, in the Roanoke River, was made October 28, 1864. With a tug rigged with a torpedo spar, he ran the gantlet of the batteries and destroyed the ram, his own vessel being sunk in the encounter. The gallant commander and one seaman escaped. Lieutenant Cushing died December 24, 1874, aged 32. Ram-block. (Nautical.) A block without sheaves for the lanyards of the shrouds. See dead-eye. Ramed. (Shipbuilding.) Said of a ship on the stocks when the frames, stem, and stern-post
sed in the United States Navy, notably by Lieutenant Cushing in destroying the Confederate ram Albemarle at Plymouth, N. C., in 1864. It was attached to a spar by means of the lug b: run beneath then enemy, and attack openly when necessary. See Fig. 6563. The destruction of the rebel ram Albemarle, at Plymouth, N. C., October 27, 1864, was accomplished by the use of one of Wood and Lay's to was run up under cover of night, and succeeded in eluding the picket-boats of the enemy. The Albemarle was discovered lying fast to the wharf, with logs around her, about 30 feet from her side. As, I succeeded in driving the torpedo under the overhang, and exploding it at the same time the Albemarle's gun was fired. A shot seemed to go crashing through my boat, and a dense mass of water rushed in from the torpedo, filling the launch and completely disabling her. The Albemarle sunk at her moorings. Lieutenant Cushing and one of his crew escaped by swimming. Porter torpedo-boat.