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An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 1 1 Browse Search
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of Lee, who framed it. McClellan, however, is fully aware of this movement, and although he cannot prevent the impending crash, he is energetically preparing to meet it. Fitz-John Porter, you know, commands the right, McClellan the centre, and Heintzelman the left. Heintzelman is a crafty old fellow, said another, and is not to be caught with chaff. Do you know I have seen large volumes of smoke ascending along their whole line? I knew it indicated destruction of stores, and heard General Almsted say as much on Sunday,. (June twentieth.) Old Heintzelman, said he, is a wily old major; see those large bodies of smoke ascending on their left — they have been frequent for the past few days, and Mac is preparing for the worst. But I have seen no peculiar disposition of force in our lines for an aggressive movement, if one is contemplated. There is no particle of doubt that it is contemplated, but Lee will not weaken any point of his lines until the decisive moment, for McCle