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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford in the War of the Revolution. (search)
He was a kinsman of William Polly who was shot at Lexington. The youngest in this levy was sixteen years old—Josiah Cutter, 2d. There were seven others under twenty-one. While these men were in service, Arnold's treason and the execution of Andre occurred. The Medford men were stationed on guard duty at North river. William Bucknam was promoted and served as sergeant. His name is on the muster-roll dated Tappan. At this place Andre was executed, and it is probable that Bucknam stoodAndre was executed, and it is probable that Bucknam stood with the troops drawn up to witness the ignoble death of that brave man. When the six-months' men were discharged they were each given a passport bearing the signature of the colonel to show they were not deserters, and to recommend them to the charity of the farmers, whose help they needed. Some barefooted, others nearly so, ragged and dirty, they set out for their walk of over two hundred miles. They were absolutely penniless. The December weather made their condition worse, but they pu