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The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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reet, opposite Dispatch office, have photographic albums, bibles, prayer and hymn books, and elegant editions of the poets. All new, and an elegant assortment. A. H. Christian &Co. have a beautiful collection of Christmas books and presents, juvenile books, dressing cases, port-folios, &c. A. Samuels, over Pizzini's, on Broad street, has a handsome and well-selected assortment of ladies' cloaks and furs. Any article among which will be acceptable as a Christmas gift. Frederick T. Andrews, on Sixth street, near Clay, offers for sale house-furnishing goods for the old people, and a large stock of dolls for girls, and toys for the boys. John Dooley, one of the oldest and best-known dealers in the city, has opened a store at No. 239 Main street, under the Sponwood Hotel. He has a splendid stock of ladies' furs, and hats and caps of the most fashionable styles for ladies and gentlemen. Messrs. Bidgood & Riley, at the iron-front building, on Thirteenth, between