Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for J. L. Archer or search for J. L. Archer in all documents.

Your search returned 62 results in 2 document sections:

by Colonel Brockenbrough, and the brigades of Archer, Lane, and Pender, (posted from right to left closed the interval which he had left between Archer and Lane, it was penetrated, and, the enemy pr the two regiments of Brockenbrough's command, Archer, with the First Tennessee and Fifth Alabama ba Brockenbrough's brigade, the brigades of Generals Archer, Lane, and Pender, my extreme right resti in to the right and rear of Lane, encountered Archer's left, and, attacked in flank and rear, the Fenth Georgia were compelled to give back. General Archer, observing the threatening condition of afto position before I received information that Archer's brigade was giving way, and I ordered Hoke tof Brigadier-General Archer. headquarters Archer's brigade, A. P. Hill's Light division, Decembtion of my command, I rode to the right of General Archer's brigade, which was posted in the woods s of our front lines, about midway between Generals Archer and Lane. Firing one volley into their le[30 more...]
anies of the Fourteenth Tennessee regiment, of Archer's brigade, reported to Colonel Brown, and suppre to advance. I ordered Generals McGowan and Archer to move forward, as the line formed by their bank road, but inclined to the right and rear. Archer's brigade only advanced a short distance, befo assumed on the right of the line. As soon as Archer's brigade commenced to move, it became hotly ed. McGowan's right thus became separated from Archer's left, and the interval increased as the enemigade during the remainder of the action. General Archer advanced with his brigade, conforming his igadier-General Lane on our left, and Brigadier-General Archer on our right. At sunrise the advanceeft, separating our line from that of Brigadier-General Archer, and somewhat overlapping the right o,Lane's,A. P. Hill's,34193227 First Tennessee,Archer's,A. P. Hill's,85058 Seventh Tennessee,ArcherArcher's,A. P. Hill's,114556 Fourteenth Tennessee,Archer's,A. P. Hill's,72835 Fifth Alabama battalion,Ar[12 more...]