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e consideration of the bill for the relief of the Banks of the Commonwealth, was then resumed, the pending question being the motion of Mr. Thomas, of Henry, to strike out the 4th section, which was agreed to by a vote of yeas 23, nays 21. Mr. Early proposed to amend the 11th section of the bill, by inserting after the word "discounts," the words "and other investments." Agreed to. The bill, as amended, was then adopted. On motion of Mr. Douglass, the Senate bill appropriating a sum of money to purchase certain ordnance and material of J. L. Archer, of Bellona Foundry, in this State, was taken up, when Mr. Paxton proposed a ryder. Mr. Armstrong proposed an amendment, which provided that the sum so expended should be deducted from the amount of the appropriation heretofore made for State defences. Bill and amendments were laid on the table, and made the order of the day for Saturday at 11 o'clock. On motion of Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax, the Senate adjourned.
The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Southern Confederacy--an Answer to the Charleston Mercury. (search)
Senate yesterday. A resolution was offered for authorizing Circuit Courts to convert decrees of divorce a mense of there into decrees a vinculo matrimoni. Bills were passed authorizing the Superintendent of the Armory to provide quarters for a portion of the Public Guard; amending the Potomac River Pilot Law, and authorizing certain Banks to establish branches at Alexandria. Amendments to the bill for the relief of the Banks were adopted. The bill for the purchase of war material from J. L. Archer, of Bellona Arsenal, was made the order of the day for Saturday. A number of bills were reported in the House, and resolutions were offered as follows: For requiring Banks to make annually exhibits of dividends paid, deposits unclaimed, &c.; for enforcing the law requiring Banks to make quarterly statements of their condition; and authorizing Justices to issue garnishee process on judgments rendered by them. The Governor sent in a message calling attention to the urgent necessity of