Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 29, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. L. Archer or search for J. L. Archer in all documents.

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It is already known that the General Government has called for certain cannon contracted to be made for it by Dr. J. L. Archer, of the Bellona Arsenal. The fact that he had announced his readiness to deliver them, and his intention to do so, are also well known.--Rumors have somehow become current on the streets of Richmond, that the people designed to obstruct the delivery of the guns, by stopping them at this point. Whether they really mean to do so remains to be seen, as the guns have not been brought as far as this city, as yet. The rumors referred to were made the basis of sundry resolutions which were offered in the House of Delegates yesterday, the debate incidental thereto consuming the entire day. Madame rumor has ascribed to the Governor the intention of ordering out the Public Guard or First Regiment, to protect the guns while in transitu through this city, but it is due to the Governor to deny the orthodoxy of his alleged intention. He says he has neither formed a