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ng forth a history of the transaction, and closing by offering, as a substitute for the House resolutions, that offered by Mr. Douglas, (see morning proceedings,) with an additional resolution, providing for the purchase of the arms by the State of Virginia. The report also amends the first resolution, by authorizing the Governor to call out such part of the militia as he may deem necessary Messrs. Wickham and McKenney, from the same committee, presented a minority report, requesting Mr. Archer not to deliver said arms to the U. S. Government, and providing that said arms be placed in the hands of the Superintendent of the Armory, at Richmond, and authorizing an appropriation from the "million fund," to pay for the same. Mr. Gatewood moved to lay the report on the table, in order to take up the special order — confirming the nominations of the Governor for the Ordnance Department. At the suggestion of Mr. Douglas this motion was withdrawn. The reports of the Commit