Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. L. Archer or search for J. L. Archer in all documents.

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The Bellona Arsenal guns --Another Statement.--A letter from the Secretary of War to J. M. McCue, of Virginia, was published a few days since, denying that any order had been given for the removal of the guns from Bellona Arsenal to Fort Monroe. The Enquirer publishes the following letter, showing that an order had been given: Ordnance office, Washington, March 22, 1861. J. L. Archer, Sup't Bellona Foundry: Sir --You will please forward to Richmond the cannon at your foundry which have been inspected for the United States, with as little delay as practicable; and as soon as they are shipped from that place the amount due on the last inspection will be-paid. The Quartermaster's Department has authorized Messrs. W. D. Colquitt & Co., Ship Brokers, to receive the guns and to attend to the re-shipment, and the delivery had better be made alongside the vessel that is to transport them to Fort Monroe Arsenal, for which the usual amount paid for hauling will be paid to