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propriate committees. A large number of other bills were advanced a stage. Several bills were laid on the table. Resolutions in relation to the establishment of a line of steamers between the city of Paris and the United States, were laid on the table, on motion of Mr. Douglass. Bill Reported.--Mr. Douglass, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported a bill from a minority of the committee, appropriating a sum of money to purchase certain ordnance and material of J. L. Archer, of Bellona Foundry, in this State. Resolutions Adopted.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted: By Mr. New-man, of reporting a bill for more effectually preventing free negroes from other States from visiting Virginia; by Mr. Smith, of amending the 37th chapter of the Code in relation to the sales of delinquent lands. Mr. Carraway presented the memorial of citizens of Princess Anne county, complaining of the Norfolk Draw Bridge as a nuisance, and praying that it may