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creant. The Yankees are so deficient in good material for officers that they readily pick up our renegades to fashion them out of. We have no fears from Thomas. Arnold never did anything after he had sold himself to the British, nor is there any cause to believe that Thomas will be more successful. We hold him to be much worse than Arnold. Arnold was a Yankee, to whom it was perfectly natural to sell himself and his country for gold. Dr. Johnson, we believe it was, who said the Devil was the first rebel. He might have added that Judas Iscariot was the first Yankee. But there is something horribly unnatural in a Virginia-born man turning against his Arnold was a Yankee, to whom it was perfectly natural to sell himself and his country for gold. Dr. Johnson, we believe it was, who said the Devil was the first rebel. He might have added that Judas Iscariot was the first Yankee. But there is something horribly unnatural in a Virginia-born man turning against his country for gold. At the same time that Thomas advances against Bragg, we are told by the Yankee papers, there is to be a general advance everywhere. Grant or somebody else is to advance against Johnston, and Meade is to advance against Lee. Never, according to their veracious organs, was the prospect of crushing the rebelli