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Philip Henry Sheridan, Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army . 7 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Philip Henry Sheridan, Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army .. You can also browse the collection for Willoughby Babcock or search for Willoughby Babcock in all documents.

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ry, Fifth Battery, Lieutenant John V. Grant. Second division: Brigadier-General Cuvier Grover. first brigade: Brigadier-General Henry W. Birge. Ninth Connecticut, Colonel Thomas W. Cahill. Twelfth Maine, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Ilsley. Fourteenth Maine, Colonel Thomas W. Porter. Twenty-sixth Massachusetts, Colonel Alpha B. Farr. Fourteenth New Hampshire (1), Colonel Alexander Gardiner. Fourteenth New Hampshire (2), Captain Flavel L. Tolman. Seventy-fifth New York (1), Lieutenant-Colonel Willoughby Babcock. Seventy-fifth New York (2), Major Benjamin F. Thurber. Second brigade: Colonel Edward L. Molineux. Thirteenth Connecticut, Colonel Charles D. Blinn. Eleventh Indiana, Colonel Daniel Macauley. Twenty-second Iowa, Colonel Harvey Graham. Third Massachusetts Cavally (dismounted), Lieutenant-Colonel Lorenzo D. Sargent. One Hundred and Thirty-first New York, Colonel Nicholas W. Day. One Hundred and Fifty-ninth New York, Lieutenant-Colonel William Waltermire. Third brigade: (1) Col
s plan, Merritt worked his men close in toward the intrenchments, and while he was thus engaged, I ordered Warren to bring up the Fifth Corps, sending the order by my engineer officer, Captain Gillespie, who had reconnoitred the ground in the neighborhood of Gravelly Run Church, where the infantry was to form for attack. Gillespie delivered the order about 1 o'clock, and when the corps was put in motion, General Warren joined me at the front. Before he came, I had received, through Colonel Babcock, authority from General Grant to relieve him, but I did not wish to do it, particularly on the eve of battle; so, saying nothing at all about the message brought me, I entered at once on the plan for defeating Pickett, telling Warren how the enemy was posted, explaining with considerable detail, and concluding by stating that I wished his troops to be formed on the Gravelly Church road, near its junction with the White Oak road, with two divisions to the front, aligned obliquely to the
o McLean's house near by, and where General Lee had arrived some time before, in consequence of a message from General Grant consenting to the interview asked for by Lee through Meade's front that morning — the consent having been carried by Colonel Babcock. When I entered McLean's house General Lee was standing, as was also his military secretary, Colonel Marshall, his only staff-officer present. General Lee was dressed in a new uniform and wore a handsome sword. His tall, commanding foroiled suit, without sword or other insignia of his position except a pair of dingy shoulderstraps. After being presented, Ord and I, and nearly all of General Grant's staff, withdrew to await the agreement as to terms, and in a little while Colonel Babcock came to the door and said, The surrender had been made; you can come in again. When we re-entered General Grant was writing; and General Lee, having in his hand two depatches, which I that morning requested might be returned, as I had no