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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 8.-battle of Somerville Heights, Va. Fought May 7, 1862. (search)
a. List of casualties. The following is a list of the killed, wounded, and prisoners of the Thirteenth regiment, in the affair of the seventh, at Somerville Heights. Company A, Capt. A. Newland.--Prisoners--Sergeant Theodore Longsdorff, privates Andrew Hilton, Garrett Cullen, Wm. Quigley, Matthew Quigley, Henry Mayer, Henry Gilmore. Company B, Capt. John M. Wilson.--Prisoners--Corporals Wm. Starr, B. A. Farnham, A. W. Greggs; privates Eli Chichester, Zack Corell. Killed — Michael Ellsworth. Missing — Joseph Carthall, Hugh P. McCarthy, George Osgood, Nathaniel Rabe, J. Van Dorn, Corporal Wm. Wampler, wounded and missing. Killed — Michael Ream. Wounded — Michael Genser, in hip; Jack Powell, in hand; John Yohn, in leg. Company E, Captain Kirkpatrick.--Prisoners — Aaron Massman, Jac. Banks, Wm. Fromant. Company H, Capt. Clinton.--Private Peter Victor, wounded in leg. Company K, Capt. Hunter.--Private Thomas J. Overman. William C. Foster, Assistant-
Doc. 15.-retreat of General Banks. General Banks's report. headquarters Army Shenandoah, found in the remnant of his army corps left Gen. Banks. To withdraw was now possible, in another mry, which comprised the entire army corps of Gen. Banks, furnishes evidence justifying a belief of t on the march of the Fifth Army Corps, under Gen. Banks, from Strasburgh to Winchester on the twentywas increased by a third regiment ordered by Gen. Banks to report to Gen. Hatch, commanding rear-guaer than the little command which remained to Gen. Banks after the withdrawal of so large a portion o's division of ten thousand men or more from Gen. Banks's corps. There is reason to believe that urforcements by every train, having heard that Gen. Banks and his army were coming towards Winchester.m town. The Unionists there had confidence in Banks, while the secessionists put on a bolder face orce so disproportionate, have been equal to Gen. Banks--fewer still would have had the bravery even[9 more...]
The next morning Butterfield's brigade turned into the guard over two hundred and fifty prisoners, two hundred stand of small arms, wagons, tents, cannon, etc., etc.--among the prisoners a major, six or eight captains, a batch of lieutenants — and were ready for another fight, with one regiment on the march toward the South Anna, to accomplish, what I had forgotten to state was the object of our expedition, namely, the cutting the enemy's lines of communication with the forces in front of Banks and McDowell. There were many noteworthy incidents of the day that have not made part of my description. A ball struck at the foot of Gen. Porter's horse. Did you see that? asked an aid. I see that Butterfield is driving them handsomely, was the quiet reply. An Irishman of the Seventeenth New-York came up to the General, tugging under a load of three guns on one shoulder, his own at a trail in the other hand, driving three prisoners in gray before him--Sure Gineral, and I have three o
fficult. Forage was scarce, the country having been cleaned of such things by former armies. Sometimes they had a short allowance of bread or perhaps none, while the shoes of some of them had given out and the poor fellows had to march barefoot. Day after day they had pressed forward in good spirits and with light hearts, enduring the trials with great patience. For seven days they had had skirmishing with the rebels and had taken over four hundred prisoners and liberated about thirty of Banks' men. After fourteen days of continued work the battle comes, and now what was the condition of our men? Of course they were not in the best. Many were sick-our force was weak. The division of Blenker, although strong in numbers, was nevertheless weak, for they had become so demoralized by their excesses on their various marches from Washington, that there was a lack of discipline, a thing indispensable to a good soldier. Under circumstances such as these, Gen. Fremont fought the battl
Doc. 43.-the battle at front Royal, Va. see Banks's retreat, page 52, ante. Official report of General Banks. headquarters Department of the ShenandoahGeneral Banks. headquarters Department of the Shenandoah, May 31, 1862. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: sir: In pursuance of orders from the War Department, Col. John R. Kenly, commanding First Maryland voluntlable. I have the honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant, N. P. Banks, Major-General Commanding. Lieutenant Thompson's account. Hagerstowe rear. When last heard from we had fifteen hundred prisoners at Front Royal. Banks, who was at Strasburgh when he heard of our doings, cut stick and broke for Wincaptured many of them and demoralized the rest, and we hurried on swiftly after Banks down the valley. Every few hundred yards we passed one of his wagons, left ure set on fire, but the citizens extinguished it before great damage was done. Banks is now at or beyond Martinsburgh, with our cavalry and some of our men still in
Saxton's report. To Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: sir: I have the honor to report that in obedience to your instructions, I assumed command of the forces at Harper's Ferry on the twenty-sixth of May. I found Colonel Miles occupying the place with one company of the Maryland P. H. brigade. He had pushed forward that morning a battalion, composed of the First District of Columbia regiment and Eleventh regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, on the cars to Winchester to reenforce Gen. Banks. They were too late, he having retreated; and they returned to Harper's Ferry. The same evening reenforcements arrived, consisting of the Seventy-eighth New-York, One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania, a naval battery of Dahlgren guns, under Lieut. Daniels, U. S.N., and four companies of the Fifth New-York cavalry from Winchester. On the twenty-seventh other troops arrived, with Capt. Crounse's and Reynolds's battery of the First New-York artillery. I occupied Bolivar Heights with my tr
e been on the march for hours. From Woodstock, which is rather a pleasant village, and, like all the hamlets of this valley, picturesquely planted among the hills, to Edinburgh the advance was without incident. A military bridge, constructed by Banks, crossing Stony Creek — a swift,, wide stream — is half burned by the flying rebels; but they are now so closely pressed that they have no time to do thoroughly even the work essential to their safety. In half an hour it is so far repaired that to have been cut to pieces in the unequal fight at Front Royal, and report that not more than forty of their regiment were killed, and that all the rest were captured. Jackson had with him two thousand prisoners, taken at different times from Gen. Banks's command. They have been treated with great severity, half-starved, and forced to follow the retreat of his army, whether sick or well. Officers fell by the roadside from exhaustion and illness, and were forced on at the point of the bayonet
e jumped into the Pamunkey and tried to swim across, but our men fired at him and he sunk directly. This was the only firing done. Philadelphia press account. White House, Va., June 14, 1862. One of the boldest and most astounding feats of the rebels in this war occurred on Friday evening last, a short distance from this place. It was another of those desperate efforts they have from time to time put forth to recover lost opportunity and atone for past defeats. The surprisal of Banks by Jackson, though of a more formidable and successful character, was not more complete, sudden, and unexpected than the one experienced in this department. A part, some say a whole regiment, of the First Virginia cavalry, under the command of Gen. Stewart, crossed the Pamunkey from Prince William County, a few miles above this place, at a point known as Garlick's Landing. There they commenced a series of depredations, which had they been as successful throughout as they were at the begi
d before them. This movement on the part of Gen. Banks, notwithstanding his heavy loss and the over 10, 1862. The battle yesterday between General Banks's corps and the rebel forces under Stonewacolumn, but no battle was expected that day. Gen. Banks's corps was sent forward to hold the positio's corps, eleven thousand five hundred strong; Banks's corps, reported at fourteen thousand five huonsville as I had designed, I sent orders to Gen. Banks to direct Gen. Hatch to select from his own ed to me that he had conferred freely with General Banks, and urgently represented to him my purposrear, and immediately in contact with him, was Banks's corps; while Reno's corps was east and very aving the field that night, I sent orders to Gen. Banks, at Bristow station, to destroy the railroadrps, about six thousand; Reno's, six thousand; Banks's, five thousand; Sumner's, eleven thousand; Fct you to this place. Be sure to send word to Banks, who is on the road from Fayetteville, probabl[155 more...]
of which they occupied in heavy force. General Banks was instructed to take up his position on . I had continued to receive reports from Gen. Banks that no attack was apprehended, and that no k too highly of the ceaseless intrepidity of Gen. Banks himself during the whole of the engagement. ny, Slaughter-Mountain. In this direction General Banks moved. Four or five miles from Culpeper, rve, and winds around by the right of it. Gen. Banks brought his corps up through a small piece oeculiar discipline to march to the relief of Gen. Banks without orders. The only batteries engagewas very severely handled. Major Pelouze, Gen. Banks's Adjutant-General, a regular army officer, alry checked their advance during the day. General Banks, pushing forward his artillery and followiort and confident expectation to overpower General Banks by weight of numbers failed entirely. He Later in the evening, General Pope and General Banks had a narrow escape. They, with their sta[42 more...]