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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 6, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Virginia Banks or search for Virginia Banks in all documents.
Your search returned 11 results in 1 document section:
Condition of Virginia Banks.
Farmers' Bank of Virginia, January 23, 1861. To His Excellency J 51
Notes of other Banks in Virginia305,462.54583,276.20
Notes of BankBanks out of the State21,518.969,987.00
due by other Banks542,494.72308,730.62
Real Estate190,812.791Banks542,494.72308,730.62
Real Estate190,812.79193,606.46
loan to Commonwealth000.00000.00
in transit between Bank and Branches000.007,074.53
$ Deposits2,227,543.281,931,138.51
due to other Banks130,358.17240,855.56
surplus and Contingent Fu nuary--Circulation1,533,578.00
Notes of other Banks:
1st January--In the State583,276.20
1st Jan 56
Notes of other Banks in Virginia166,819.78431,758.89
Notes of BankBanks out of the State17,092.3813,402.21
due by other Banks422,039.84168,662.23
Real Estate174,278.21Banks422,039.84168,662.23
Real Estate174,278.21179,381.12
Capital stock$3,088,600.00$3,137,100.00
Circulation1,425, 0.00
Notes of Other Banks:
In the State431,758.80
Out of the State13,4
[1 more...]