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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 1: religious elements in the army. (search)
ut soldier, for I have seen the men for whom I have preached, with whom I have prayed, and whom I have seen presiding at Baptist associations, fully panoplied for the war. The self-denial of volunteers to serve in this war is unmistakably manifest iing to this subject, says: The Rev. Messrs. Atkinson, Presbyterian; Fitzgerald and Smedes, Episcopal; James and Skinner, Baptist; J. W. Tucker, Methodist, and one of the editors of this paper have attached themselves to the Home Guard, a company or phases of soldier-life in the early days of the war. Hon. J. L. M. Curry, in a letter published by the South-western Baptist, states that for two months a weekly prayer-meeting has been kept up in Talladega, Alabama. When the hour comes, at 9 o'n for themselves. In Colonel Ector's regiment from Georgia there are fourteen ministers: one Methodist, one Primitive Baptist and twelve Missionary Baptists. A correspondent of the North Carolina Presbyterian states that after a recent sermon
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 5: Bible and colportage work. (search)
pers of the day: March 17, 1864. Last summer, says a letter in a Southern Baptist paper, a chaplain arrived in Staunton with several large packages of Testamentrom a soldier who was in the Maryland campaign, published in the South-western Baptist, says: I had my Bible in my right breast-pocket, and a ball struck it and bounn: I formed the acquaintance of a noble young man, the nephew of a most useful Baptist minister. Found him interested in reference to his soul, and endeavored to exxiety for reading matter of late than ever before. Three of the most useful Baptist ministers in Georgia, Elders J. H. Campbell, S. Landrum and D. G. Daniel, are A. E. D. April 30, 1863. Rev. Perry Hawkins, writing to the Confederate Baptist, gives the following account of a conversion among the soldiers at Pocotalio, mount than a few years ago was contributed by all the churches in Virginia to Baptist colportage. Berea Church, in Louisa county, instead of giving us about $100 a
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 6: hospital work. (search)
for papers. One would say, I am from Alabama, and want an Alabama paper, and he would be presented with the South-west Baptist. Another would say, Can't you let me have the Christian Index? That's the paper I read at home. Others would desire the Confederate Baptist, others the Herald, etc. You may judge of the desire for religious papers, when I assure you that hundreds of applicants daily supply themselves at this depository. When a sick man walks as far as from the hospital to this readevery State, not cut off from us by the enemy, furnish papers for this hospital? The Biblical Recorder and Confederate Baptist, once sent here, have ceased to come. Why is this? The Christian Index, Religious Herald and Southern Baptist come witBaptist come with tolerable regularity; but never in sufficient numbers to supply the demand. Every Georgian wants the Index—and so of other soldiers; each wants to see a paper from his own dear State. There are some signs of religious awakening among the soldiers
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 7: work of the chaplains and missionaries. (search)
nd I could only stay a day, he courteously insisted on my preaching. And so we had a Presbyterian sermon, introduced by Baptist services, under the direction of a Methodist chaplain, in an Episcopal church. Was not that a beautiful solution of thether Webb, chaplain in the same brigade, got off on him. It so happened that Brother Lacy's regiment came from a strong Baptist community, and that a large proportion of the converts insisted upon going down into the water, and he never failed to send for me or some other Baptist chaplain, and to show every Christian courtesy in the premises. He would go with us to the water's edge, join heartily in the service of song, and be the first one to greet the young converts as they came up out of to do all in my power to help them serve our common Master and reach the home of our common Father above. And when we Baptist chaplains were called on to assist young converts of our charges to unite with other denominations, I trust we were not
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 8: eagerness of the soldiers to hear the Gospel. (search)
the Lord blessed his labors, and soon the chapel was crowded and the theatre deserted. In the great revival that followed, the owners of the theatre and some of the actors, professed conversion, the plays were suspended, and Brother Broaddus was invited to hold his services in the theatre, as that was a larger and more comfortable building than the chapel. He readily consented to do so, and begun his first service by saying, in his own quaint way: My friends, I am only a plain old country Baptist preacher, and have been opposing theatres all of my life. I never was in one before, and if any one had told me that the time would come, in my old age, when I should myself go upon the stage, I should have taken it as a personal insult. But the times change, and we change with them, and so I am here tonight, ready to occupy even this position for the glory of God and the good of souls. It is scarcely necessary to add that the work went graciously and gloriously on, and that this theatr
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 10: revivals in the Lower Valley and around Fredericksburg. (search)
to the prayers of our women at the mercy-seat. We found our soldiers at Fredericksburg all alive with religious animation. A rich blessing had been poured upon the zealous labors of the Rev. Mr. Owen, Methodist chaplain in Barksdale's Brigade. The Rev. Dr. Burrows, of the Baptist Church, Richmond, had just arrived, expecting to labor with him for some days. As I was to stay but one night, Dr. Burrows courteously insisted on my preaching. So we had a Presbyterian sermon, introduced by Baptist services, under the direction of a Methodist chaplain, in an Episcopal church! Was not that a beautiful solution of the vexed problem of Christian union? The large edifice was crowded with soldiers. They filled the chancel, and covered the pulpit stairs. After the sermon, some fifty or sixty of them, I should think, came forward with soldierly promptness, at the invitation of the chaplain, for conversation and prayer. An inquiry-meeting is held for them every morning. At that time i
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 11: the great revival along the Rapidan. (search)
w, and I should simply be in the way. So I propose to fall back to Charlottesville, and wait until the army is quiet again. By the way, when at the camp of Corse's Brigade the other day, Major C. and Lieutenant F. of the Fifteenth Virginia, two Baptist brethren whom I had not met before, made me a present of a hat, which cost them $20 here, and would have cost twice as much in Richmond. I take this as a token that your army evangelists will not lack for friends. I have been treated with greahe Fortieth Virginia Regiment (Walker's Brigade), with a bright prospect of happy results. Rev. Mr. Anderson has been an instrument in God's hand of doing great good, both in his own regiment (Fortieth Virginia) and in the Fifty-fifth Virginia. Baptist. Brethren Editors: . . . Reaching Orange Court House late in the afternoon, I walked out about two miles to Doles's Brigade, and was almost immediately put to work. On reaching the preaching place, I was agreeably surprised at the arrangem
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 12: progress of the work in 1864-65. (search)
e people, and be liberally sustained, the Virginia Baptist Sunday-School and Publication Board is thoking over these statistics—the proportion of Baptist chaplains to those of our Methodist and Presbwhat they owe to the army. I mourn that our Baptist ministry seem behind them in this respect. Bneed of more chaplains-and especially of more Baptist chaplains, as we have nothing like our propornations, all of whom know that I am a decided Baptist. Indeed, there seems to be in the army a tru Can't you send us some of your best Georgia Baptist preachers? Brethren may think that I always I go amongst Georgia troops, you are the only Baptist preacher I have seen in a long time. Therem other States. I wish that some of the good Baptist brethren of Georgia, who are preaching two ore no earnest, working brother among the large Baptist ministry of Georgia who is willing to come anficers. There were 13 preachers among them—6 Baptist, 6 Methodist and I Episcopalian. There were
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix: letters from our army workers. (search)
r use of the regiments. Rev. E. P. Walton (Baptist) was chaplain to Fifth, and Rev. J. M. Grandieutenant, both Episcopal, and one a sergeant (Baptist). There were some communicants, of course, am, G. F. Bagby. From Rev. Harvey Hatcher, Baptist, army Evangelist. 293 Hollins Street, nry M. White. I>from Rev. John R. Bagby, Baptist, Lieutenant Powhatan Artillery. Powhat. Bagby. From Rev. Dr. T. H. Pritchard, Baptist, army Evangelist. Petersburg, Virginiait was practicable. J. W. Bivens, Company O (Baptist), held regularly every night after roll-call r, W. L. Curry. From Rev. J. J. Hyman, Baptist, chaplain Forty-ninth Georgia Regiment. ohn J. Hyman. From Rev. A. M. Marshall, Baptist, chaplain Twelfth Georgia Regiment. Ea Chas. H. Dobbs. From Rev. Dr. Renfroe, Baptist, chaplain Tenth Alabama Regiment. Talllley, Methodist inclined; Major Joseph Truss, Baptist; Captain Brewster, of seemingly no fixed deno[6 more...]
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Appendix no. 2: the work of grace in other armies of the Confederacy. (search)
lfsacrific-ing zeal to every portion of the army. There are three Baptist ministers, says Mr. Johnston, acting as general chaplains, colportng their whole time to the distribution of Testaments, tracts, and Baptist periodicals, and to the preaching of the word. An officer of tng their work. My name was on each committee. Chaplain Milliken, Baptist, offered a resolution, with remarks, that we devote ourselves moretains Carter and Wilson, and Rev. S. S. Taylor, a worthy primitive Baptist preacher of our regiment, assisted me in the meeting. The number gia Brigade and witnessed a baptismal service. Chaplain Thompson, Baptist, led fifteen soldiers into the water and baptized them, and was fowho was killed at Franklin, Tenn., December, 1864, was a Primitive Baptist, a private soldier, yet an humble, devout soldier of Christ. Prernoon and heard the experience of soldiers to Chaplain Lattimore, Baptist, and saw him and Chaplain——baptize fifteen soldiers in a pond in w