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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., Medford a century ago—1819. (search)
of room for school20.00 for boarding teachers 25 wks 5 1/2d.51.57 —— 122.97 By the above it appears that the town paid the teachers' board for the Sundays before and after the summer term, and it was all in the family at Brooks' corner,—and the old house, having taken a new lease of life, is still in evidence. Rhoda Turner's was probably at Mill lane, so called, and all of the above tallies with the action of the town. Here is a breeze from the shipyards: Voted to allow Abner Bartlett's account for money paid for chips and wood for school. Great stuff for kindling and stove wood were the chips and blocks from the shipyards, better than the bagwood of today. In the days when the sea was old And the builders lithe and young, From timber that gleamed like gold This carpet of chips was flung. Feb, Voted, to allow Rebecca Blanchard's account for schooling a child of Rufus P [——]24 weeks to Oct 31 last year $3.00 She was one of the schoolmistresses for poor childr