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h Mississippi, Colonel Rankin.4th Louisiana, Colonel Barrow. 10th Mississippi, Colonel Smith.18th Louisiana, Colonel Mouton. Mississippi Cavalry Battalion, Major Baskerville.Gage's (Alabama) battery, Capt. C. P. Gage. Bains' (Mississippi) battery, Capt. S. C. Bains.  Second Corps, Second Grand Division. Brig. Gen. Adley H. G Second Battalion cavalry, Camp Purdy, March 12, 1862. Brig. Gen. A. H. Gladden: General: Information has just reached me by one of our scouts direct from Major Baskerville that the enemy are landing in large force. They have 30,000 at Savannah. The major also says seventy boats have passed Coffee. I am, sir, your most obed9, 1862--10 a. m. Major-General Polk, Commanding Army Corps: General: I have just received inclosed dispatches, and have directed both Colonel Lindsay and Major Baskerville to contest every inch, and if overwhelmed to fall back slowly on my position. Have forwarded same information by telegraph. I have the honor to be, very
n made in hand-molds of wire, which molds were made by hand of wires laid parallel and secured at intervals by a fine wire binding. This could be readily made of sufficient size for such sheets as were then required, and the paper of that day shows by its margin the mark of the deckle. The following will indicate the succession and dates of the inventions in the line of paper-making machines. Some collateral points of interest are also noted:— 1750. Woven paper-molds introduced by Baskerville. 1759. The rag-engine introduced into England from Holland, where it was invented about 1750. 1790. The practice of bluing paper is said to have originated about this time from the circumstance of an English papermaker's wife having accidentally dropped her blue bag into some pulp in an advanced state of preparation. 1798. Louis Robert, a workman in the establishment of Didot, at Essone, France, announced that he had discovered a way of making sheets of paper of large size by mac
ryCol. James Jordan   48thMississippiRegimentInfantryCol. James M. JayneJan. 17, 1863.  49thMississippiRegimentInfantryCol. Jno. W. Balfour   1stMississippiJeff. Davis' Leg'nCavalry, &cLt. Col. Martin   2dMississippiWirt Adams' Leg'nCavalry, &cCol. Wirt Adams Promoted Brigadier-General. 1stMississippiBattalionCavalry, &cLt. Col. A. K. Blythe   2dMississippiBattalionCavalry, &cLt. Col. Taylor   3dMississippiBattalionCavalry, &cMaj. Hardcastle   4thMississippiBattalionCavalry, &cLt. Col. Baskerville   5thMississippiBattalionInfantryMaj. Kilpatrick   6thMississippiBattalion     7thMississippiBattalion Lt. Col. Rosser   1stMissouriRegimentCavalryCol. Elijah GatesDec. 31, 1861.  2dMissouriRegimentCavalryCol. Robert McCullough   3dMissouriRegimentCavalryCol. Colton GreeneNov. 4, 1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. 4thMissouriRegimentCavalryCol. J. Q. BurbridgeNov. 13, 1862.  5thMissouriRegimentCavalryCol. B. F. Gordon   6thMissouriRegimentCavalryCol. G.
's brigade, Allen's division, Wheeler's cavalry corps, Hardee's army, January 31, 1865. The Eighth Confederate cavalry. The Eighth Confederate cavalry was organized after the battle of Shiloh, by the consolidation of Brewer's, Bell's and Baskerville's battalions, comprising six Alabama and four Mississippi companies. Brewer's, one of the first mounted bodies raised in the State, fought with distinction at Shiloh, and acted as rear guard for Polk's army. The Eighth moved with the army of6th, Florence, Ala. Vol. X, Part I—(417) Mentioned in report of Colonel Russell, Shiloh, April 6 and 7, 1862. (461-463) Colonel Brewer in his reports of the battle of Shiloh says, command 200 strong; 2 killed and 10 wounded. He mentions Major Baskerville, to whom he is much indebted for coolness, etc. Acted as rear-guard to Polk's corps. (529) Mentioned in report of Captain Jenkins. Vol. X, Part 2—(306) Unattached, General Polk's army, March 9, 1862. (375) Mentioned by Col. Preston
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.16 (search)
gade lost fifty-five per cent. in killed and wounded. The loss in this regiment was so great the first day, that it could not be taken into action, as a regiment, the succeeding days. The regiment was left without a commissioned officer, all being among the killed and wounded, and there remained but one non-commissioned officer and sixteen privates. The Colonel, D. H. Christie, was mortally wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel R. D. Jordan was badly wounded through the lower jaw and neck. Captain Baskerville, of Company G, killed on the field. Major Blacknall, first day at Gettysburg, was disabled by a ball that entered his mouth, knocking out several teeth and passing back through the neck. On the retreat to Virginia, he was captured, his terrible wound having forced him to stop for rest at a farm house. Colonels Christie and Johnston were also captured in an ambulance, but were rescued by Confederate cavalry and taken to Williamsport. The former died on the way to Winchester. Black
Arrived, Schr. Jno. H. Travers, Frank, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Hope, Frank, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. M. L. Johnson, Burrows, Norfolk, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Whig, Passwater, James River, billets, Cole & Co. Schr. New York, Carnival, James River, lumber. Schr. Burdett Hart, Hardy, New York, guano, Bacon & Baskerville. Sailed, Steamship Jamestown, Skinner. N. York, mdze. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Schr. Jno. Francis, Frost, down the river, light. Cleared, British ship Avon, Geo. Maunts, master, for Liverpool, with 214 hhds, tobacco, 978 bales cotton, 2,406 bbls. flour, by Chas. Palmer. Baltimore, Feb. 7.--Cleared, schr. Ashland, Petersburg, Va. New York, Feb. 6.--Cleared, schr. Alice, Norfolk. Boston, Feb. 6.--Arrived, schr. W. M. Petit, Richmond.
James River and Kanawha Canal.--The House proceeded to consider, on motion of Mr. Hunt, the following resolution offered by him on the 7th inst., at that time laid on the table. Resolved, That the Committee of Roads and Internal Navigation be requested to lay before this House such proof, if any, of the ability of the firm of Bellet dee Minieres & Co, to execute their contract made in August last, for the purchase and completion of the James River and Kanawha Canal. Mr. Baskerville hoped the resolution would be withdrawn. The Committee of Roads and Navigation had the matter in hand, and he urged that their report should be waited for. Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the Committee, said, that when the resolution was offered some time since, he was opposed to its adoption, but that he was satisfied, from the multitude of inquiries poured into the committee, that the information should be given. He believed the testimony before the committee not only showed the entir
rs, and the names of parties to whose credit such dividends and deposits are standing on the books of such Banks; by Mr. Thomas, of enforcing, by proper penalties, the requirements on the Banks for quarterly statements of their condition; by Mr. Baskerville, of refunding to the estate of Richard Boyd a sum of money for taxes improperly paid under erroneous assessment; by Mr. Friend, of authorizing Justices of the Peace to issue garnishee processes on their judgments; by Mr. Magruder, of authoristion being on the passage of the bill, Mr. Walker demanded the previous question, which call was sustained. The vote on the bill was as follows. Yeas.--Messrs. Crutchfield, (Speaker,) Alderson, Anderson, Bailey, Ball, Ballard, Barbour, Baskerville, Bentley, Bisbie, Caperton, Carpenter, Carter, Chapman, Christian, Coleman, Duckwall, Edgington, Ferguson, Fleming, Frost, John T. Gibson, Grattan, Hanly, Harrison, Hackley, Hunter, Warner T. Jones, Kemper, Locke, Lockridge, Lucas, Magruder, W
isposal to prevent the transportation of any arms or munitions of war from the interior of this Commonwealth to the seaboard; and, for that purpose, he be authorized to summon any portion of the volunteer and militia force of the State. Mr. Baskerville moved to amend the substitute as follows: Resolved, by the General Assembly of Virginia, That the Governor of this Commonwealth be requested to notify the President of the United States that no arms or ammunition shall be transported by order of the General Government, to any of the fortifications of the United States, over the soil of Virginia. At the request of members, Mr, Baskerville withdrew his amendment, that the original resolution should be voted on. Mr. Keen thereupon moved to amend the substitute of Mr. Collier, as follows: And, whereas the members were elected with special reference to all questions of a Federal character: Therefore, be it Resolved, That this General Assembly, during the sessi
Arrived, Schr. Jno. Alexander. Applegate, Baltimore, guano, Hacon & Baskerville. Schr. Butterfly, Hubbard, Baltimore, guano, Bacon & Baskerville. Schr. R. C. Stanard, Booze, Baltimore, guano, Bacon & Baskerville. Schr. Emma Jane, Phillips, Baltimore, guano, Schaer, Kohler & Co. Schr. Hope, Frank, BalBaskerville. Schr. R. C. Stanard, Booze, Baltimore, guano, Bacon & Baskerville. Schr. Emma Jane, Phillips, Baltimore, guano, Schaer, Kohler & Co. Schr. Hope, Frank, Baltimore, guano, Schaer, Kohler & Co. Schr. S. & D. Harrington, Saunders, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Mountaineer, Kervy, Western Shore, tiles. City Railroad Company. Schr. Samuel Kirwan, New York,--, S. MoGruder's Sons. sailed. Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, New York, mdze. and passengers, LudBaskerville. Schr. Emma Jane, Phillips, Baltimore, guano, Schaer, Kohler & Co. Schr. Hope, Frank, Baltimore, guano, Schaer, Kohler & Co. Schr. S. & D. Harrington, Saunders, Baltimore, mdze., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Mountaineer, Kervy, Western Shore, tiles. City Railroad Company. Schr. Samuel Kirwan, New York,--, S. MoGruder's Sons. sailed. Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, New York, mdze. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Philadelphia, mdze. and passengers, C. P. Cardozo. Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore, mdze. and passengers, D. & W. Currie. Bark Abigall, McFarland, Rio, dour, Crenshaw & Co. Schr. Myers, Rhoades, Boston, Mdze., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Access, Bur