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Browsing named entities in J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary. You can also browse the collection for G. T. Beauregard or search for G. T. Beauregard in all documents.
Your search returned 224 results in 43 document sections:
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 8 (search)
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 9 (search)
November, 1861
Quarrel between Gen. Beauregard and Mr. Benjamin.
great naval preparations in the North.
the loss of Port Royal, S. C., takes some prestige.
the affair at Belmont does not compensate for it.
the enemy kills an old hare.
Missouri secedes.
Mason and Slidell captured.
French Consul and the actresses.
the lieutenant in disguise.
Eastern Shore of Virginia invaded.
Messrs. Breckinridge and Marshall in Richmond.
November 1
There is an outcry against t since he is sustained by the President, we must suppose he knows his own footing in the government.
If defeated in the legislature, he may have a six years tenure in the cabinet.
November 2
It has culminated.
Mr. Benjamin's quarrel with Beauregard is openly avowed.
Mr. Benjamin spoke to me about it to-day, and convinced me at the time that Gen. B. was really in the wrong.
He said the general had sent in his report of the battle of Manassas, in which he stated that he had submitted a pl
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 12 (search)
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 13 (search)
XIII. April, 1862
Gen. Beauregard succeeds Gen. Sydney Johnston.
Dibble, the traitor.
enemy at Fredericksburg.
they say we will be subdued by the 15th of June.
Lee rapidly concentrating at Richmond.
Webster, the spy, hung.
April 1
Gen. Sydney Johnston having fallen in battle, the command in the West devolved on Gen. Beauregard, whose recent defense at Island No.10 on the Mississippi, has revived his popularity.
But, I repeat, he is a doomed man.
April 2
Gen. Wise l be able to hold up his head, sir.
April 14
There will soon be hard fighting on the Peninsula.
April 15
Gen. Beauregard has written to Gen. Wise, offering him a command in his army, if the government will consent to it. It will not be c stian gentleman as well as a consummate general, has been ordered into the field.
He will have a brigade, but not with Beauregard.
The President has unbounded confidence in Lee's capacity, modest as he is.
Another change!
Provost Marshal Godwi