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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 23, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Beauregard or search for Beauregard in all documents.
Your search returned 14 results in 6 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: August 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], Mr. Phillips day's third letters. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: August 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], Mr. Phillips day's third letters. (search)
--In the New York stock market on Wednesday North Carolina 6's declined --sales at 64½ Virginia 6's advanced ½--sales at 54½ Tennessee 6's advanced ½--sales at 42½
The New York Herald, of Tuesday, says:
The stock market fell off yesterday on the strength of the foreign news and the cut of the Secretary of War for more troops.
The b rs made the most of the latter event, d med a robust belief of an early attack of Washington by Beauregard's forces.
H ce we note a decline of ¼ the new count 6's and ¼ per cent in the registered; the Treasury notes bearing 6 per cent also declined ½ per cent. State stocks also declined though the county supply indicates a general the reports regarding the repudiation of Southern bonds in Northern bonds.
Tennessee declined 1 per cent; Virginia ½ North Carolinas 1; Missouri, 1½ T retreat of Gen. and the of Springfield by Gen. McCulloch are regarded as unfavorable occurrences for the credit of the State of Missouri.