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who had raised himself to the rank of General is a subject undoubtedly of not less astonishment than pain. (Cheers,) Sir, I cannot bring myself to behave but that the Government of the United States, whenever they had notice of this order, must of their own accord have stamped it with their censure and condemnation. (Hear, hear.) We received yesterday a dispatch from Lord Lyons, communicating from the newspapers the paragraph read by the honorable baronet — namely, the order of General Beauregard animadverting on, and giving the text of, the proclamation to which reference has been made. There will be no objection to produce that paper. With regard to the course which her Majesty's Government may, upon consideration, take on the subject, the House, I trust, will allow me to say that will be a matter for reflection. (Cheers.) I am quite persuaded that there is no man in England who does not share those feelings which have been so well expressed by the honorable baronet
eninsula, the Confederate army retreating before him till it had passed the Chickahominy, when it made a stand under the walls of Richmond. Now, it is clear that this Confederate army is being pressed, very closely, so that, if we look only at Beauregard and McClellan, the opposing Generals here, we should say that the fate of Richmond was hanging in the balance. The latter had crossed at Bottom's Bridge and at New Bridge, but instead of attacking the town from the southeast, as these move the progress of McClellan. We see clearly how important it must be to the South to prevent his junction with McDowell. We think we may say that this reinforcement of the Federal army has been effectually prevented for the present, so that if Beauregard decides to hold Richmond, he will be able to do so for some time to come. Before the arrival of the last mail no one here had over hazarded a guess as to the way in which this necessary diversion could be effected. Now that it has been do
rumor from Richmond. City Point,Va, June 27. --Refugees, who have been taken by our gunboats to-day, report that the rebel Generals Jackson, Price, and Beauregard are in Richmond, and will be assigned to important commands shortly. A rumor prevailed in the rebel camp yesterday to the effect that Jackson's forces had ist the Union forces. Davis and Lee, retreating into North Carolina or the Gulf States, with perish in a given period of time from want of animal food, just as Beauregard's army is scattering in Mississippi from the same cause. Before evacuating Corinth, Beauregard contracted for the delivery to his army in Mississippi of 200,00Beauregard contracted for the delivery to his army in Mississippi of 200,000 head of cattle and sheep from the States lying west of the Mississippi. It is in order to transport these cattle across the river that Vicksburg is so resolutely holding out. By this time Fasragut has probably given a good account of that obstinate city, and not another head of cattle will cross the river. The result will
man by a chance shot, and the noble craft again came out almost unscathed — her injuries being of too trifling a character to prevent her from going into another fight immediately. Our Southern exchanges furnish some items of interest. The Yankees in the vicinity of Memphis are the barbarities of their brethren elsewhere. The Grenada (Miss) Appeal relates the following cases of cruelty: Among the instances related to us, we may mention that of Mr. B. B. Waddell, aid to Gen. Beauregard. A Federal Major, with two wagons and a troop of soldiers, went to his house in the country, stripped it of its furniture, taking provisions, family supplies, and everything he fancied and considered necessary for setting himself up house keeping in town. Mrs. Waddell, a most excellent and estimable lady, repaired to the headquarters of General the purpose of lodging complaint and seeing Her story was narrated to the the presence of the gallant Major, who pronounced her a and char