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Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1 54 2 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 36 4 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 18 0 Browse Search
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen 13 1 Browse Search
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ch the capitol of Iowa is largely built, was quarried from lands which had very little marketable value when granted by the King of Spain to General Henry Dodge's father, Israel C. Dodge. General A. C. Dodge, Henry Dodge's son, remembered Mr. Thomas Hart Benton when he kept a woodyard ten miles from St. Genevieve, and was much elated at Mr. Benton being elected to the Senate, albeit he did not then know what the office was which he and his father were to hold at the same time from contiguous StMr. Benton being elected to the Senate, albeit he did not then know what the office was which he and his father were to hold at the same time from contiguous States. These last three men were some years in the Senate after Mr. Davis entered that body. General A. C. Dodge also gave a history of the creation of the dragoon regiment to which Lieutenant Davis was promoted for gallant service. General Dodge said that, After the Black Hawk War, in which his father bore a distinguished part, Congress ordered the creation of a regiment of dragoons. The first Governor Dodge, was made Colonel; Stephen W. Kearney, Lieutenant-Colonel; R. B. Mason, Ma
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 15: resignation from the army.-marriage to Miss Taylor.-Cuban visit.-winter in Washington.-President van Buren.-return to Brierfield, 1837. (search)
d irritated into extreme nervousness, he saw a ship making ready for sea, and suddenly decided to sail in her to New York, whither she was bound. From thence he went to Washington, and was so fortunate as to get in a congressional mess with Mr. Benton, General George Jones, Dr. Lynn, Franklin Pierce, and other prominent men of that day. Of this period General George Jones, of Iowa, wrote thus: It was in 1838, when I was the last delegate to Congress from the Michigan Territory, that Jeffersoed Washington in the winter and immediately called to see me where I was staying, at Dawson's boarding-house, not more than a hundred yards northeast of the present Senate chamber. Among the prominent men staying at the same house were Senators Thomas H. Benton from Missouri; his colleague, Dr. Lewis F. Linn; William Allen, Senator of Ohio; Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire, and forty or fifty others. I introduced Lieutenant Davis to my friends. He was then on his way to his home in Mis
liteness was benevolence in small things. Mr. Benton was a man of rare personal dignity, and he n As soon as his antagonist took his seat, Mr. Benton arose, and with a courtly salutation to the a letter to the New York Herald thus: I saw Mr. Benton walking up the avenue to-day, keeping up a g other with the most unaffected bitterness. Mr. Benton's mailed glove lay always before the Senator from Kentucky; and not infrequently, when Mr. Benton had finished a noble argument, studded all ovet down, sir, I can defend myself; sit down. Mr. Benton sent a soft smile of sympathy and amusement ator, and Mr. Clay lost his point. While Mr. Benton would be in full career demolishing some lesmanner, and repeated his assertion verbatim. Mr. Benton had no admiration for his political theses, very one. As the dusk lowered upon the hall Mr. Benton arose, and in his deep voice moved an adjoure day that came to be recognized as one that Mr. Benton would have. About midday, or perhaps three [4 more...]
Chapter 31: thirty-first Congress, 1849-50. The first session of the Thirty-first Congress opened on Monday, December 3, 1849. In no preceding Senate had been seen more brilliant groups of statesmen from both South and North. Among the distinguished senators then, or soon subsequently to be, famous, were Davis, Calhoun, Clay, Webster, Benton, Corwin, Cass, Fillmore, Johnson, Stephen A. Douglas, Seward, Chase, Houston, Badger, of North Carolina; Butler, of South Carolina; Hamlin, Hunter, and Mason, of Virginia; Berrien, Mangum, and Pierre Soule. It was to this Congress that Mr. Clay presented his famous compromise resolutions, which may be regarded as the beginning of the last period of the long controversy between the sections before the secession of the Southern States from the Union. It was memorable by the threatening prominence given to the Anti-slavery agitation, which was now beginning to overshadow all other Federal issues. The growth of the Anti-slavery moveme
unjust discrimination against their property rights, and the excitement grew warm and eager. Mr. Benton said, This agitation came from the North and under federal lead, and soon swept both parties i the anti-slavery side of the question, done under the United Slave State vote in the Senate, Mr. Benton's statement seems to be at variance with the final vote as given in Benton's Abridgement, chapght unite with them, would become the principal recipients of Federal office and patronage. Mr. Benton, in remarking upon this address, said: Far from passing any law to emancipate slaves in ssed, and whispering My child, I am too weak to stop, he passed on and dropped into his seat. Mr. Benton looked on him with a tender glance and said, sotto voce, I have nothing to say ; but Mr. Footeis tall form from over the desk as he found his strength failing. During Mr. Foote's remarks, Mr. Benton kept up an aside. No brave man could do this infamy. Shame, shame! Mr. Davis and several
much increased. The following notice is extracted from the Florida Herald, Jacksonville, Fla.: During Mr. Pierce's administration an effort was made by Mr. Benton to have the work of the coast survey divided into several independent bureaus, his special purpose being to place his son-in-law, then Captain J. C. Fremont, asr from Mississippi. He graduated in the same class with Professor Bache, and was his life-long friend. With far more accurate knowledge of the subject than Mr. Benton, and advised by Professor Bache, he made a searching and exhaustive review of the coast survey, and a close comparison of its results, both in time of executionined by the United States, both in the scientific and practical development of a great enterprise. The impression made upon the Senate was shown in the vote. Mr. Benton's bill received only two votes, his own being one of the two. Some years ago, when it was thought that Mr. Davis had passed from earth, John W. Forney used
d, Dallas Bache, and I must go if it kills me. He left me at the door of the waiting-room with beef-tea and wine in a little basket and went in — carried his point, then came almost fainting home. From that time he began to slide back into his accustomed place for an hour or two each day, and convalescence had its gentle and perfect work. After many weeks Mr. Seward said he might, with the practice of a raconteur he had acquired, have grown to the height of a second book nearly equal to Mr. Benton's Thirty years in the Senate, had his short digests of its acts not been interrupted by this unlucky convalescence. I met him looking very bored once on the street, and he stopped and said, I think Mr. Davis must get sick again, I miss my daily walks. So powerful was the attraction my husband's elevated character and graceful deference for others exercised over the most prejudiced of his antagonists. Mr. Seward's was a problematical character full of contradictions, but a very attra
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Benton, Thomas Hart, -1858 (search)
Benton, Thomas Hart, -1858 Statesman; born near Hillsboro, N. C., March 14, 1782. Before finishing his studies at Chapel Hill University, North Carolina, he removed to Tennessee, studied law, and obtained great eminence in his profession. In the legislature of that State he procured the enactment of a law giving to slaves th the regular army from 1813 to 1815. Removing to St. Louis in 1813, he established the Missouri inquirer there, and practised his profession. He took an Thomas Hart Benton. active part in favoring the admission of Missouri as a State of the Union, and was one of its first representatives in the United States Senate, which postd, so far as the national legislature is concerned. He died in Washington, D. C., April 10, 1858. The annexation of Texas. On May 16, 17, and 20, 1844, Senator Benton delivered a remarkable and characteristic speech in the debate, while the Senate was in secret session, on the ratification of the treaty for the annexation o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fremont, Jessie Benton 1824- (search)
Fremont, Jessie Benton 1824- Author; born in Virginia in 1824; was the daughter of Senator Thomas H. Benton, of Missouri; married John C. Fremont in 1841. She has published The story of the Guard; Memoir of Thomas H. Benton; Souvenirs of my time; A year of American travel, etc. Fremont, John Charles Fremont, Jessie Benton 1824- Author; born in Virginia in 1824; was the daughter of Senator Thomas H. Benton, of Missouri; married John C. Fremont in 1841. She has published The story of the Guard; Memoir of Thomas H. Benton; Souvenirs of my time; A year of American travel, etc. Fremont, John Charles
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fremont, John Charles 1813-1890 (search)
Ga., Jan. 21, 1813; graduated at Charleston College in 1830. His father was a Frenchman, and his mother a Virginian. He was instructor in mathematics in the United States navy from 1833 to 1835. Engaged in surveying the Cherokee country in the winter of 1837-38, he began his famous explorations, first in the country between the Missouri River and the British possessions. He had been appointed second lieutenant of topographical engineers in July. In 1841 he married a daughter of Senator Thomas H. Benton, and in May, 1842, he began, under the authority of the government, the exploration of an overland route to the Pacific Ocean. He ascended the highest peak of the Wind River Mountains, which was afterwards named Fremont's Peak. He explored the Great Salt Lake region in 1843, and penetrated to the Pacific near the mouth of the Columbia River. In 1845 he explored the Sierra Nevada in California, and in 1846 became involved in hostilities with the Mexicans on the Pacific coast. He