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Your search returned 5 results in 3 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: October 9, 1863., [Electronic resource], Two hundred and Fifty dollars reward (search)
Laudable Enterprise.
--Rev. J. E. Williamson, chaplain at Camp Winder, has established a library at that place for the use of the hospital patients at that place.
He solicits contributions of books from all who have works to spare, and we are quite sure that our citizens generally, as well as persons in the country, will respond to the call.
To the invalid soldier, away from home and its comforts, much comfort may be drawn from the perusal of books, a few of which every family can spare.
They should be forwarded at once to the care of the chaplain, at Bidgood's bookstore.
The Annual Meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association was held on Monday night last at the rooms of the Association, and we are sure that none who attended had any cause of regret.
The report of the President, Wm Willis, Jr, was one of unusual interest and worth, detailing clearly the great schemes of benevolence in which the Association has been engaged during the past year, and recounting the names of those members who, during the year, have given their lives as a sacrifice upon the alter of their country.
The election for the new year resulted as follows: President, Hon John Randolph Tucker; Vice Presidents, Wm Willis, Jr, W H Gwathmey, M D John D K Sleight, J M Stevens, W H Clemmitt; Directors, J Hall Moore, J R Lucas, B Hughes, Geo L Bidgood, J B Watkins; Corresponding Secretary, Philip F Howard; Recording Secretary, E B Tucker; Librarian, P C Nicholas; Treasurer, Ana Snyder; Registrar, Jno C Williams.
The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource], Christmas and Christmas presents. (search)