Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 17, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Bowling or search for Bowling in all documents.

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ostensibly for New Brunswick, to supply British subjects there, but lost her way--in a hora! Late information enables us to inform our readers that she is now safely moored in a Confederate port. a Florida port — so our hearts may also say "all's well." Escape of a Confederate criminal from Kentucky into Indiana--his statement. The Evansville (Ind.) Journal, publishes the following statement obtained from a man named Andrew W. Johnson, a deserter from the Confederate army at Bowling. Green, Kentucky: Mr. Johnson joined the rebel army at Paducah, spent the summer at Camp Boon, and came into Bowling Green with the advanced guard of the rebel army in August last. He was unfortunate enough to kill a fellow-soldier in a melee and was threatened with punishment by the author fillies. He was placed in the military jail at Bowling Green and made to wait upon the Federal prisoners confined there. Johnson determined to escape if possible, and take with him a number of th