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Your search returned 22 results in 3 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: December 8, 1863., [Electronic resource], The cause of the late Defeat. (search)
--Wm. K. Ellett, L. B. Boynton, and Robert H. Cotton, were before the Mayor yesterday to answer the charge of kidnapping three free negro boys in James City county, and bringing them to this city as slaves.
When the negroes were discovered by the police they were in the possession of Ellett, who had obtained lodg ed of one of the lads that they were free, and so informed the officers.
Ellett presented a bill of sale for the negroes, showing that they had been purchased by Boynton; but Boynton expects to prove that he knew nothing of the negroes save from representations made by other parties, he furnishing the money for their purchase.
Boynton expects to prove that he knew nothing of the negroes save from representations made by other parties, he furnishing the money for their purchase.
As neither of the witnesses before the Court could prove the freedom of the negroes the Mayor adjourned the examination till the 14th inst., to enable him to get witnesses from James City county, where they lived at the time they were abducted.