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The Bradburys of Medford and their ancestry. by Eliza M. Gill.
[Read before the Medford Historical Society, April 7, 1906.] Continued from Vol.
IX., No. 3.
WILLIAM, the third child of Captain Wymond Bradbury, after he settled in Medford remained here, and his children spent their lives here.
His name does not appear on the Malden tax list.
When of age he must have left the Malden home, settled in Medford, and engaged in business, for he was assessed a poll tax in 1791, and the following year had personal property.
He was married by Dr. Osgood, October 14, 1795 (the good minister's diary verifies the fact), to Elizabeth Floyd of Medford, who was born July 14, 1768.
She was the daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth (Bradshaw) Floyd, who were married October 31, 1765.
Her father came from Roxbury; her mother was descended from John Bradshaw, one of the earliest recorded tax payers of Medford.
William and Elizabeth Bradbury had a family of eight children.
He was a cooper, did