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Virginia.Richmond. James Caskie, Archibald Thomas, William Gray, A. T. Harris, Thomas R. Price. R. Milton Cary, Joseph P. Jones, C. R. Barksdale, Jas. B. Ferguson, Jr. Norfolk. Myer Myers, George Reid, Wm. T. Harrison, P. P. Clements. Wm. Lamb, James E. Barry, Ryland Capps. Petersburg. Daniel Dodson, B. T. Hurt, E. G. James, J. P. May. Z. W. Pickerell, W. R. Johnson, S. W. Venable. Fredericksburg. W. P. Conway, D. H. Gordon, J. H. Bradley, Charles Herndon. G. H. C. Rowe, Ro. W. Adams, H. S. Doggett. Lynchburg. Chiswell Dabney, James M. Cobbs, Samuel Tyree, Ro. Tinsley. Seth Woodruff, W. T. Yancey, Geo. D. Davis. Danville. T. P. Atkinson, Stephen H. Turner, D. J. Paxton, Wm. Rison. Geo. C. Cabell, Wm. H. Wooding, T. D. Claiborne. Charleston. James C. McFarland, W. E. C. Gillison, Wm. T. Goshom, Andrew Parks. Thos. J. Buster, Wm. A. Quarrier, J. S. Swan. B
hout uttering a word, though he breathed several times after policemen Pumphrey, Creamer, Butler and Hawkins reached him. A ball also penetrated the back of his coat. Two or three shots were fired from the rear cars after he fell, The body was conveyed in a vehicle to the southern police station, where Justice John Showacre appeared at three o'clock yesterday afternoon and summoned a jury of inquest, composed of the following persons: George R. Berry, (foreman,) Wm.T. Spies, James Cann, J. H. Bradley, John Lloyd, A. C. Wheeler, Peter Leuts, George W. Mitchell, M. Sloan, George R. Rhodes, George Boyce, Henry Fowle. Dr. McKew examined the body for the jury, who, after reviewing it as required by law, adjourned to 9 o'clock this morning, to assemble at the southern station. The corpse was laid out at the station dressed in the clothes the deceased had on when he received his death wound--one kid glove on, and the other partly drawn. Great curiosity was evined by the citizens to vi
The Daily Dispatch: November 22, 1862., [Electronic resource], The appearance of the Yankee Army in Front of Fredericksburg — shells Thrown into the town — supposed destination of the threatening force. (search)
the enemy. It continued for several hours. One of our men was killed and another severely wounded. We have a report — but cannot vouch for his correctness — that the enemy had fifteen killed and wounded. One of our shells was seen to explode immediately over one of their pieces among the men. Nearly, if not all, the sadness of the enemy fell within the corporation — Several passed through the house of Mr. S. H. Owns. Some four or five passed in the vicinity of Mr. J. J. Chew's and Mr. J. H. Bradley's residences. One fell in the garden of Mr. Joseph Alsep which fronts on Main street, where the courses, except in the immediate vicinity, are closely built. There was also one shot through the Paper Mill, George, a son of Mr. John Timberlake, who was at the upper and of town, a looker on, had the loss of one foot lacerated by a passing shot, which was the only injury sustained on the part of citizens. Tuesday was a remarkably quiet day. No firing on either side. The only incid<
For hire --A good house Servant and plain Seamstress, of genteel raising and good character. Also, a good house Boy, about 11 years old. Apply at J. H. Bradley's, on 2d street, between Clay and Leigh. ja 11--2t*
Crockett, Isaac J. Lettwich, Chas L. Fox. Robert Sayors, Allea T. Crockett, Jas. M. Stuart, Bank of Virginia.Richmond. James Caskie, Alfred T. Harris, Thos. R. Price, Samuel C. Tardy, *Alex Garrett. D. J. Saunders, Joseph P. Jones, *Ambrose Cariton, *Wm. H. Fowle. Petersburg. T. T. Broocks, Z. W. Pickrell, W. R. Johnson, *R. W. Brodeax. John B. Wilson, R. A. Young, *J. P. Williamson. Fredericksburg. W. P. Conway, M. Slaughter, J. H. Bradley, *John L. Marye, Jr. Wm. A. Little, Thos. F. Knox, *Robt B. Reynolds. Lynchburg. Criswell Daley, Jas. M. Cobbs, *W. T. Vancey, *Chas H. Lynch, Seth Woodraff, Sam M. Garland, *A Alexander, Danville. Thos. P. Alkinson, J. E. White, John A. Smith, *Jas. C. Voss. Wm. Risen, Wm. P. Graves, *Jas. E. Lipscomb, Union. John Echols, Geo. W. Hutchinson, N. H. Roberts, *J. W. Laniue. John A. Nichol, B. G. Dunlop, *Henry J. Relly. Buc
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], A Washington Judge and a Lawyer at Loggerheads. (search)
on Judge and a Lawyer at Loggerheads. --On Thursday, as Mr. J. H. Bradley, Sr., was arguing a case in the circuit court, a personal difficen him and the Judge. Judge Olin asserting that a statement Mr. Bradley had made was untrue, and that he (Mr. Bradley) knew it to be so,Mr. Bradley) knew it to be so, Mr. Bradley replied: "If the Judge says that I have made a statement which I know to be untrue, the Judge is a liar." Judge Olin ordereMr. Bradley replied: "If the Judge says that I have made a statement which I know to be untrue, the Judge is a liar." Judge Olin ordered the Marshal to take Mr. Bradley from the court-room, and as the Marshal advanced to perform his duty, he (the Judge) remarked: "You stated Mr. Bradley from the court-room, and as the Marshal advanced to perform his duty, he (the Judge) remarked: "You stated what you knew to be untrue." Mr. Bradley replied: "If you say that, you are a liar and a scoundrel," and thereupon left the room. SMr. Bradley replied: "If you say that, you are a liar and a scoundrel," and thereupon left the room. Subsequently a rule was served on Mr. Bradley, returnable Friday morning at 10 o'clock, requiring him to show cause why he should not be punisMr. Bradley, returnable Friday morning at 10 o'clock, requiring him to show cause why he should not be punished for contempt of court.-- Star.