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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 958 6 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 615 3 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 562 2 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 454 2 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 380 16 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 343 1 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 340 20 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 339 3 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 325 1 Browse Search
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 308 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Braxton Bragg or search for Braxton Bragg in all documents.

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ders found it impossible to find and assemble their troops; each body or fragment bivouacking where night overtook them. Bragg's Report. the battle having become one where brilliant manoeuvres were impossible. It was the personal qualities of offill's arrival, I accordingly established my headquarters at the church of Shiloh, in the enemy's encampments, with Major-General Bragg hoping, from news received by a special dispatch, that delays had been encountered by General Buell in his march flf our force, fought bravely, but with the want of that animation and spirit which characterized them the preceding day. Bragg's Report. Every statement made in this chapter in regard to the force of the rebels, or such of their dispositions as were not from their very nature apparent to the national commanders, is taken from the reports of either Beauregard or Bragg. and these became disheartened at the discovery of the national reenforcements; they were fatigued, too, with the tremendou
, via the Female College; and when about two or three miles from that town, a part of your forces, say a corps, will move to Danville, and another corps will move on the road to Kossuth, until it meets the one to Rienzi, when it will move on to the latter place. Depots of provisions, etc., have been made at Okolona and Columbus. One of your divisions or corps can continue to Ripley, thence to Oxford, and thence to Grenada, for the protection of that depot. ———,General Commanding. To General B. Bragg, Commanding Army of the Mississippi (For the information of Major—General Van Dorn.) Soon after entering the works, Grant rode to the rebel left, and satisfied himself beyond all doubt, that had an assault on Sherman's front been ordered, a good general could have demolished the rebel army. This was by far the weakest point of Beauregard's line, and in exactly the position to be susceptible to such an attack as Grant had recommended, in vain. A great battle, which had been expecte
Vicksburg to reinforce the garrison there. There were, however, other, although secondary considerations, which confirmed his judgment in this matter, if they did not assist in determining it. Taking the river route earlier, would have left all the state of Mississippi free to the rebels, who could at any time have attacked his communications on that line, cutting him off more effectually and permanently than they did at Holly Springs; while Memphis itself would have been within reach of Bragg, by a rapidly executed movement. By moving towards Grenada, however, Grant covered Memphis and the country already acquired, besides threatening the region on both sides of his line of march. These advantages recommended this route to accomplished soldiers, even after the disaster at Holly Springs; and I have heard men of high military reputation maintain, since the capture of Vicksburg, that Grant should have persevered in his original plan of campaign. He, however, had no idea of remain
nnessee, gave ground for fears that, rather than lose all on the Mississippi, the rebels, in order to reenforce Johnston heavily, might withdraw a heavy force from Bragg, who was in front of Rosecrans. Grant was thus obliged, not only to assemble a force sufficient to conduct the operations of the siege, but at the same time to hofrom the command of your corps here, to take command of Haine's bluff. On the same day, Grant said: It is evident the enemy have brought large reenforcements from Bragg's army, and I cannot think it is with any other design than to raise the siege of Vicksburg. He had now ten thousand or twelve thousand men at Haine's bluff, but y make, and send troops from here to counteract any change he may make, if I can. On the 27th, he reported that Johnston expected ten thousand reenforcements from Bragg. They are expected next week. I feel strong enough against this increase, and I do not despair of having Vicksburg before they arrive. This latter, however, I m
en, with comparatively a small force. At least, a demonstration in that direction would either result in the abandonment of the city, or force the enemy to weaken Bragg's army to hold it. On the 30th, he once more urged: I regret that I have not got a movable force with which to attack Mobile or the river above. As I am situatedia, where he had just obtained possession of Chattanooga, the most important strategic position between Richmond and the Mississippi river; while the rebels, under Bragg, were apparently attempting to move west of him through northern Alabama, and, by turning the right wing of the national army, to cut off all communication with Naithout delay, to assist General Rosecrans on the Tennessee river. . . . . Information just received indicates that a part of Lee's army have been sent to reenforce Bragg. This was sent to Hurlbut, in the absence of Grant; but, when it reached Vicksburg, on the 22d, Grant had returned. He still kept his bed, but instantly directed
227. But, although he was greatly superior to Bragg in numbers, Rosecrans refused to budge. Seeght two decisive battles at the same time. So Bragg was depleted and Johnston reenforced, and the f the Cumberland was absolutely thrust between Bragg and Georgia, and, unless intercepted, would haattanooga. In order to prevent this disaster, Bragg was obliged to give up the prize of the campaiicipated in the battle of Chickamauga, so that Bragg's active force in that battle must have been fto exist without communication and supplies. Bragg was already closing around him in a semicircle his destruction was only a question of time. Bragg's Report. It was unnecessary to assault and lo Tennessee, a hundred miles from Chattanooga. Bragg held the railroad as far as Loudon, and, of cogdon proved not to be important, but that from Bragg was more threatening; the column dispatched to as to draw Longstreet as far as possible from Bragg. If we concentrate in the neighborhood of Lou[31 more...]
Sherman's battle-ground Sherman's assaults Bragg reenforces against Sherman weakening of rebelf the battle. It was, at first, supposed that Bragg, finding Sherman on the end of Missionary ridgs's command. Such had been the strength of Bragg's position, that he entertained no doubt of hight to have rendered the enemy irresistible. Bragg, indeed, at first thought that the attack had e holds out a few days longer. I shall pursue Bragg, to-morrow, and start a heavy column up the Te are now held by us. I have no idea of finding Bragg here to-morrow. A half-hour later, he dispatcs, must abandon almost every thing. I believe Bragg will lose much of his army by desertion, in coed east, to break up all communication between Bragg and Longstreet. Howard was directed to move trshalling of vast forces beneath his very eye, Bragg seemed to have lost all ordinary sagacity; andr was detained for an assault at Chattanooga. Bragg must have finally concluded that the Army of t[37 more...]
t for Grant was even yet not fully performed. Bragg had indeed been driven back, and Chattanooga mhe Ohio. Longstreet, at last, got word from Bragg, that Grant was about to attack him, on Missioo brigades of Buckner's force reached him from Bragg's army. Then, rumors came thick, to the rebeltle at Chattanooga, and, finally, reports that Bragg had fallen back to Tunnel hill. Longstreet atnoxville. He considered, that in the event of Bragg's defeat, the only safety for the rebels was tany safety for us in going to Virginia, if General Bragg has been defeated, for we leave him at themy might follow as soon as possible, to rejoin Bragg. But, getting reports, soon after, of an adva thus be obliged to desist from the pursuit of Bragg, in order to save Knoxville; and he reasoned wthe Hiawassee, with the rest of his army, lest Bragg should take advantage of the absence of so larays before, to send back Wheeler's cavalry to Bragg's army; but, at the moment of raising the sieg[6 more...]
violently in twain, but the severed parts retained each a convulsive life, while the more important portion, though shorn of its strength and resources, seemed to have lost none at all of its vitality. Kentucky and Tennessee, although in the possession of national forces, were yet debatable ground, and suffered all the ills of border territory in time of civil war; and Grant, ordered to the command of the entire region between the Mississippi and the Alleghanies, had checked the advance of Bragg, it is true, but even he had not yet driven the great rebel army of the West far beyond the northern boundaries of Georgia; for Johnston, the successor of the unlucky Bragg, still confronted the most formidable force that the government could accumulate in all its Western territory, and Longstreet occasionally threatened to assume the offensive in East Tennessee. In the Eastern theatre of war, no real progress had been made during three disastrous years. The first Bull Run early taught t
our raw troops, and gave us too little credit for the fact that for one whole day, weakened as we were by the absence of Buell's army, long expected, of Lewis-Wallace's division, only four miles off, and of the fugitives from our ranks, we had beaten off our assailants for the time. At the same time, our Army of the Tennessee have indulged in severe criticisms at the slow approach of that army which knew the danger that threatened us from the concentrated armies of Johnston, Beauregard, and Bragg, that lay at Corinth. In a war like this, where opportunities for personal prowess are as plenty as blackberries, to those who seek them at the front, all such criminations should be frowned down; and were it not for the military character of your journal, I would not venture to offer a correction to a very popular error. I will also avail myself of this occasion to correct another very common mistake, in attributing to General Grant the selection of that battle-field. It was chosen by