Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 28, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Bragg or search for Bragg in all documents.

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, J B Johnston, Wm Hall, John Tranham, W W Jennings, Captain John S Anderson, Sergt P Randolph. Killed: Privates John R Bowles, T Gammand. Company E. "Richmond Zouaves."--Killed: Privates — McElroy, --Clark. Wounded: Lieut. Omohundro; privates J Griffith.--King. Company F, "Fluvanna Hornets;"--Killed; Privates F T Pace, John W Asblar. Wounded: Capt John T Martin; Privates J J Jennings; W E Thomas, Thos W Harlowe; Corp'ls W G McLane, John W Sadler; Privates Collins J Winston, B H Bragg, R S Campbell, A J Wilson. Company G. "Randolph Guards,"--Killed: Sergeants J B Farrar, H W K Davis; Private C C North. Wounded: Serg't P H Pollard; Private Thos North. Company H. "Amelia Minute Men."--Killed. Lt W T Robertson, Sergt J Y Taylor, Corp'l J B Fryser. Private D S Shoemaker. Wounded: Corp'l P L Burton, in both legs, Privates R E Warren; B E Morris, in hip; W W Motley, in foot; Jos Gibbs, in leg; Jas R Holt, slightly, in abdomen. Company I. "Mossingford Rifles."
e hundred, it might as well have been fifty thousand. The affair has stimulated our authorities here with a little life, and the country about here is being scoured by large bodies of troops. Thus far about forty prisoners have been taken, some of whom, it is thought, were the guilty parties in the affair of Friday last. Where is Gen. Beauregard?--Miscellaneous Matters. Corinth June 22, 1862. --It is now positively ascertained that Gen. Beauregard turned over his command to Gen. Bragg on the 15th inst. Gen. Beauregard left Montgomery, where he arrived on the 17th inst., accompanied by his personal staff. Subsequently he started for Richmond. Two reports are received stating the cause of his departure: One that he goes to take command there, and the other that it is to explain the cause of the evacuation of Corinth. The latter is considered the most probable, as it has been known for some time that Beauregard and Jeff. Davis are on antagonistic terms. An